150 questions/get to know me survey <3

name: Levi/Leviathan 

nickname: Lana bear/Levi bear/ Persephz

birthday: April 5th

height: 5'3 

weight: How the damn would i know

hair: Dark brown and Blonde

eyes: Dark brown

any piercings?: Not yet

tattoos?: No, i'm planning on it tho

any siblings?: 5, four sisters and one brother. but if you include the chosen ones, make that 2 brothers

what do you like to wear?: anything as long as i'm fully covered 


book?: Currently Cruella the manga 

color?: Black, silver, grey, white, aqua, purplish green. 

movie?: Avatar 2

celebrity?: Kimberly brooks and Chris Hemsworth 

place?: My bedroom or any aesthetic spot in the city 

food?: Pizza, or homemade food

dessert?: Ice cream or cookies

alcoholic drink?: Cruisers or corona's 

non-alcoholic drink?: Juice or anything i can drink

day of the week?: Friday and Saturday 

number?: 666

month?: October/December 

city?: Melbourne/New york 

country?: Japan/Brazil/Greece 

animal?: Bunnies/Cats and mole rats 

time of the day?: 12 am or 3-6 am

smell?: Apple/raspberry cherry perfume 

tv channel?: 99 

song at the moment?: Katharsis - Tokyo Ghoul

friend?: Morgo <3 


place to be?: school

time of the day?: Probably daytime 

day of the week?: Mondays 

song/music gender?: Genre you mean?- but country music definitely 

animal to you?: Dogs- i like their cuteness but too much energy for me

drink?: Coffee

food?: tomatoes

*have u ever...*

been so drunk that you cant remember?: Yes but i always remembered

cheated: kinda- not rlly though 

been cheated on?: probably 

been in love?: yes, sadly 

been on TV?: nope, not for me

stolen anything?: yes

been on stage?: yea- in primary 

passed out?: nope

had a surgery?: yeah

broke the law intentionally?: absolutely 

had a friend pass away?: no, never

been lied?: absolutely 

been dumped?: yep

*do you...*

do drugs?: NO, i want to tho 

get drunk?: only when i drink

dance?: depends if i'm in the mood

party?: i try not to

sing?: yeah, i guess

play an instrument?: Piano sometimes

get along with your parents?: sometimes i do, but most times i dont 

think you are attractive?: hell to the no

swear?: yes, like all the time

smoke?: nope, i wanna try weed though

get motion sickness?: i'm not sure actually, i got sick on train once

wear contacts/glasses?: used to, now i wanna wear contacts

get good marks?: hahaha, whats that

watch cartoon?: of course

drink milk :3 :maybe?

write poems/stories?: absolutely! i even write memoirs 

take a particular medicine?: no.. i need it though

go to psycholog?: nope

have a pet?: Nope, i had a pet rock though

are you allergic to something?: a certain medicine i used to take

play an online rpg?: nope

get online on msn a lot?: what is that?

google a lot?: all the time

have fights?: with my siblings yes

read magazines?: ew no

read comics?: if manga counts, then yes

how many hours do you sleep?: 4-5 or 3 hours 

how frequently do you go to hairdresser?: never

get along with your teachers?: some, some at least


What's your preferred genre of music?: anything other than country music

All-time favorite band/artist?: i got a lot, but i guess black veil brides and three days grace 

All-time favorite song?: i got a lot soooooo- yeah-

How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: none sadly

What's your favorite radio station?: the ones that play music

rock?: Yeah!

blues/jazz?: i have been listening to why don't you do right by jessica rabbit lately, so maybe?

classical?: yes!

rap?: some rap is good, not the ones that spit gibberish

pop?: absolutely

country?: HELL NO

emo/screamo?: YES <333

heavy metal?: definitely <3

techno?: i- guess?

reggae?: my grandpa loves it, and ig some reggae is cool?

r&b?: Yes <3


time you cried?: 2 hours ago

movie you watched?: I can't remember but all i'll say is day before valentines

person you talked on the phone?: probably my mum

cigarette?: i don't smoke, but i do vape

song played?: Beast - Mia Martina

thing you ate?: Pasta (i'm eating rn)

time you took a bubble bath?: 5 years ago

time you got drunk?: on my friends birthday 

time you read a book?: a few days ago

email you get?: idfk

person you got a fight?: a few days ago with my brother 

time you hugged someone?: Yesterday

time you kissed someone?: probably last month 

time you met someone new?: online? probably almost everyday, irl? rarely anyone

time you went for a date?: I went for a "date" sometime before my birthday

*do you believe in...*

God?: Yes and no

religions?: yes, there's a lot of religions to discover, especially muslim culture 

aliens?: <33 Yes, don't judge me

ghosts?: sure, i feel like i'm watched by them every night /srs

afterlife?: it exists

yourself?: NAH

astrology?: it's interesting in some ways but i'm not a big astrology junkie like some people

karma?: absolutely, i hope those who's been mean to me get the worst kind

magic?: ? no?

*in a girl/boy*

hair: i think with some girls they suit any style given and boys, enough with the mullets it doesn't look 100% good on you

eyes: probably anything light for me, brown eyes are kinda boring nowadays

hobbies: probably anything not revolving around sports? 

style of clothing: Any as long as it's not from the 1500's /J

kiss on first date?: Maybe, depends if i like you

love at first sight?: Nah, though i do tend to like people quickly when i see them


who do you wanna slap?: Andrew tate

who do you wanna kill?: myself probably 

your dream: Being a digital artist/baker/Bartender 

do you want to get married?: Not in a million years

love?: why-

i wanna be: a SuPeRvIlLiAn /J

all you need is: hot choco 

identify yourself with 3 words: Creative, artistic, freak 

what is your worst characteristic?: probably my bigness or claustraphobia and need for physical affection

what are your fears?: heights and people

what is your weakness?: adorable things

favourite quote?: "Never lose hope for there is a greater evil arising" (i made that up but feel free to use it) 

cartman or kenny?: Kenny 

shoes you weared last time?: Dock martins 

what is your aim for this year?: Probably go out more and spend more time with my friends?

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