Ceres_the_interdimensiona...'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Survey thingy!:D

1. Name? (feel free to skip this one)

I shall skip

2. Any nicknames at all?




3. What's your sexuality?

Heterosexual (I think)

4. What are your pronouns?


5. What's your gender?

¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ whatever you call non-binary gender

6. Are you dating someone at all (platonic, romantic or sexual)?

No comment 

7. Would you ever date someone, whether it'd be platonically, romantically or sexually?

Yes, romanticly 

8. What music artist or band do you listen to?

Cavetown, lemon demon, mothet mother, Lovejoy 

9. What's your favorite song, whether it'd be from said artist/band or not?

There are way too many good songs to pick😅

10. Are you an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?

Probably introvert 

11. Are you an otherkin or fictionkin?


12. Who is your favorite game/anime/book/show character?

That is impossible to answer 

13. Are you religious?

nope, though I do make jokes with my friends about us being religious 

14. Are you aroace, or do you believe you're on the spectrum?

nope not at all, like so not, I'm currently thinking about kissing my crush

15. Favorite game?

I play too many

16. Favorite anime?

MHA (it's the only I've watched)

17. Favorite book?

I read too many

18. Favorite show?

The owl house

19. Do you have many friends or little to no friends?

I have a good group of friends, it's not huge but I like it that way 

20. Do you have a crush by any chance?

ABSOLUTELY      and I'm pretty sure most people who know me know I have a crush on this person😖😖

21. Favorite color?

Purple 🟪🟪

22. Favorite animal?


23. Does your preference lean towards men or women?

Women, however rn I don't care about anyone besides the previously mentioned crush, and they are a he

24. Do you have any phobias?

Fear of death

25. Do you engage in drama almost all the time?

no it stresses me out

26. Do you still watch kids shows?

Depends what you consider a "kid show" but probably 

27. Do you still play kids games?

Again, depends what you consider a "kids game" but also again, probably 

28. Least favorite game?


29. Least favorite show/movie?


30. Least favorite anime?

I haven't seen enough to have a least favorite😭😭😭

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♡wallflowers♡'s profile picture

Kissing that's kinda gay bro-vin

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