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Category: Quiz/Survey

☆ SURVEY!! Me, Myself and I in 150 Questions!! ☆


me, myself and I in 150 questions!

name: churro!

nickname: sometimes my irl friends call me churto :P

birthday: wont disclose, but ima december baby!

height: 5"4 i think!

hair: im a bottle blondie, but naturally dark brown LOL

eyes: brown eyes!

any piercings?: just the one in my ear i got as a baby :P

tattoos?: nope, none! but i wanna get namis tattoo or a spongebob tattoo in the futrue tho ;o

any siblings?: one little sister! (shes not a little kid though shes a middle schooler LOL)

what do you like to wear?: it can depend, i like trying to go for the mcbling look but im too broke to properly achieve it LOL; but usually i just wear colorful crop tops and jeans, whatever i wear i try to lean into a 2000s fashion sense :3c


book?: youre gonna cringe SO bad. i dont read books so i dont have a favorite book....... <////3

color?: pink! but i also like light blue!


celebrity?: taylor swift / patrick stump / pete wentz i cant decide eheh

place?: i LOVE the mall!!

food?: french fries :D

dessert?: cheesecake with strawberry glaze!

alcoholic drink?: this apple flavoured vodka soft drink :3c

non-alcoholic drink?: FRENCH VANILLA ICED LATTE!!

day of the week?: i luv fridays and saturdays!

number?: idk uhmmmm 5 :p

month?: october!! halloween isnt my favorite holiday but i LOVE how everything feels in october , i love how all the halloween specials are on air and everyone makes specials for the season hehe <3

city?: austin texas! i visited it once when i was a young teenager and it was really cool and awesome :D

country?: THE GREAT AND HUMBLE LAND OF MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


time of the day?: 5/6 pm is always relaxed and fun for me, its when i usually wrap up an illustration or we go out for some food :P

smell?: lavender or vanilla!

tv channel?: i havent watched tv in YEARS but cartoon network in the 2000s was my fav !

song at the moment?: MMMM. if this was a movie by taylor swift!



place to be?: ugh the BANK. its so sterile and boring and quiet.....

time of the day?: 4 a.m . whether u stay up to that time or go to bed that time it SUCKS

day of the week?: uhmmm i guess mondays! idkreally

song/music gender?: DID THIS MEAN GENRE. HELP anyways idk i like almost all music and i dont like saynig any genre is the worst!! ToT


drink?: hermm. mineral water. that is not a real drink u can Not convince me anyone likes how that TASTES

food?: UHHMMM anything with gourd or zucchini in it :[

*have u ever...*

been so drunk that you cant remember?: nope LOL , ive gotten sick once from being drunk (eat before ya drink, kids) but ive never like passed out or lost conciousness. i just took a nap upstairs when i felt sick that time :p

been cheated on?: not technicallyyyyyyy but i guess it was along those lines LOL

been in love?: yea i guess!! but he was a douchebag anyways

been on TV?: nope :3

stolen anything?: ONE TIME WHEN I WAS IN KINDERGARTEN I STOLE LIKE. those tiny bear counting things for no reason and i decided to lie about it and tell my mom it was a prize the teacher when really i had just stolen it LOL. the weirdest part is like i remember i decided to lie just cus like for no reason. its not like i wouldve gotten in trouble i was just  like hmmmm no  i will lie today about this.

been on stage?: OH I THOUGHT THIS MEANT AT LIKE A CONCERT. YES I WAS IN MANY A CLASSROOM PLAY PRESENTATIONS AS A KID. also in middle school i remember my classroom did a dance thing to a twisted sister song but it SUCKED they put SO much hairspray on me. i can still smell it sometimes. oh and i was in the choir at one point too but i did not sing good (skull emoji)

passed out?: YES when i was like 8. we were doing honores a la bandera and i remember i blacked out and then woke up to like 5 teachers fanning me in the principals office so i could wake up LOL

been lied?: yea probably, but not like egregiously LOL

been dumped?: YES LMAOOO

*do you...*

do drugs?: no :3

get drunk?: YEA but only with my irl friends and at their houses, i dont go to bars LOL

dance?: non im bad at it HAH

party?: not really, i just get together at my friends houses and we sit in chairs and talk like we r all divorced 40 yr old dads talking about trucks or football

sing?: YEA IN THE SHOWER AND WHEN IM ALONE LOL tho i probs suck

play an instrument?: nope, but when i was like 10 i tried learning the violin (it didnt go anywhere i was so bad at it LOL)

get along with your parents?: yea!! i love my mom :D

think you are attractive?: i guess HAHA not too sure about my face but i like my figure at least!

swear?: no not that much anymore, though when i was a younger teen i was a sailor mouth LOL

smoke?: nao :3

get motion sickness?: YES i have to take a pill everytime we travel otherwise i get dizzy

wear contacts/glasses?: both! i wear glassses at home and when i go out with friends i put on contacts :3

get good marks?: when i was in high school yeah!

watch cartoon?: not anymore really, i mean i watch some anime nowadays, but otherwsie i put adult swim in the bg sometimes HAHA

drink milk :3 ?: YES. CALCIUM STRONG

write poems/stories?: never been much of a poet but i love writing stories!! unfortunatley 80% of the lore is stuck inside my head but im trying to remedy that HAHA

have a pet?: YES!! we have 3 cats :3

are you allergic to something?: nope! sometimes i sneeze in the sun

play an online rpg?: nope but i used to LOVE being on moshi monsters, as a kid i had like 500 friends or something LMAO

get online on msn a lot?: god if youre out there.... bring msn back......


have fights?: neh actually i think ive never had an argument with anyone who wasnt my sister HAHA

read magazines?: nope but i DO own an anime magazine i bought like. right before the pandemic happened so its kinda funny . i just open it up and its like wow.... how little we knew... when promare was new..

read comics?: not really but i have all of watchmen in full hardback print! never got around to finishing it though

how many hours do you sleep?: try to get a good 9 hours!

how frequently do you go to hairdresser?: about every 4 or 5 months!

get along with your teachers?: they were pretty meh on me like they did NOT gaf about me LMFAOO.


What's your preferred genre of music?: pop rock, pop punk, or just pop!

All-time favorite band/artist?: AUGHHH. TAYLOR SWIFT! band is harder though, im really into fallout boy now but i had a pretty big foo fighters phase that was very significany, but id have to say that i think fleetwood mac is one of my most favs!!

All-time favorite song?: AINT IT FUN by PARAMORE!! that my song!! (also skabetty by mass of the fermenting dregs but specifically the kirametal demo vers :P)

How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: none </3

What's your favorite radio station?: NONE THEY ALL SUCKKKK HERE


time you cried?: maybe when i saw a spunchbob edit and i wanted to cry because i love that little sponch so much..

movie you watched?: probably the princess diaries or freaky friday!

person you talked on the phone?: my best friend who lives in another city (and her other friend who was also there who told me about this girl he knew who cheated on her boyfriend LOL) (el chisme de gente desconocida siempre m encanta soy bien metiche)

song played?: ocean avenue by yellowcard :3c

thing you ate?: garlic fries!!

time you took a bubble bath?: dawg probably when i was like a little kid LOL

time you got drunk?: a week ago hehe

time you read a book?: prob before i graduated high school , when i actually had to intake information LOL

email you get?: probably spotify telling me to check out some music

person you got a fight?: idk my sister? sometimes she just picks a fight but gets over it in 10 minutes so i forget HAHA

time you hugged someone?: earlier today!! my mom :3

time you kissed someone?: IM NOT ANSWERING THIS.

time you met someone new?: a week ago! i met a friends boyfriend!

time you went for a date?: UHHHHHH LIKE maybe 6 months ago. it SUCKEDDDD!!111!!!11!

*do you believe in...*

aliens?: I WANT TO BELIEVE.. jk but maybe theyre out there!

ghosts?: idk but i LOVE paranormal videos jeje

afterlife?: i think so yea!!

yourself?: YES!! i always believe in myself!!

astrology?: nah LOL

karma?: i think the universe works in wonderful ways and yes things arrange themselves for a reason :3


your dream: to never stop drawing, to have a beautiful view from my room, to travel the countryside one day, to roadtrip with my friends!!

do you want to get married?: one day hopefully, yea!!

love?: EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!! as well as iced lattes. and the ocean. and rainbows. and anime. and videogames. and the muppets. and cute animals. and the internet. and

i wanna be: the best version of me everyday!!

all you need is: faith in yourself and your own decisions!

identify yourself with 3 words: UHMMM bubbly, glam , haruhi

what is your worst characteristic?: im very forgetful and have a HORRIBLEEEE memory

what are your fears?: UHMMMM idk getting trapped in science hill

what is your weakness?: GRAHHAHA IM SO LAZY AND SLEEPY!!

favourite quote?: "me and my friends wouldve killed et with hammers i can tell you that much" someone on twitter
shoes you wore last time?: MY SANDALS!

what is your aim for this year?: hopefully to make new friends once i go to uni, meet new people, take risks, decorate my room more,save more money, and draw more!!

HERES THE SURVEY LINK IF YA WANNA FILL IT OUT YOURSELF!! https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=9164

just something silly cus i was bored :3 SEE YA!! CHURRO OUT -

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Drak's profile picture

you seem like a nice person :>

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aw thank you so much!! you seem very nice and cool too!! :DD

by ☆ churro; ; Report