abt me survey !!

Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku

name: serendipity
nickname: ren
age: 17
pronouns: he/they/xe/zir
birthday: jan 20
siblings: 4 older 1 younger 0-o
straight/bi/gay: panrmntic omnisxual
job: student
hair color: black and red dyed
eye color: blue
height: 5'3"
ethnicity: white / mexican
look like a celeb: nop xD
dye your hair: my bangs are red 
have bangs: ye
have braces: no
wear glasses: i should :P
wear contacts: nop
piercings: 2 lip piercings, plus closed up ear piercings X]
 a couple lolz (did them myself dont tell anyone/j)
color: black, pink, blue
video game: of all time: undertale. no changing that answer EVER X3 but i luv the project diva games too
movie: i like a lot of old 2000s movies from my childhood, hard to pick a fav lolz, right now i like the goofy movie tho XPPP
tv show: i luv mlp, it never fails to be comforting
animal: catz no doubt
drink: iced matcha latte i swear i make one like evry day pft
food: i rlly like mandu, but anything with chicken in it ill prob eat XD
alcoholic drink: ><
car: none lol idc
day of the week: friday
season: winter
song: rolling girl by wowaka, the song and artist will be in my heart always<3
sport: meh
teacher: kindergarten teacher *thumbz up*
subject: art, graphic art, music, and ig english
holiday: christmas
book: i dont read too much, just getting back into it XP
magazine: meh
flower: carnation :3
 making bad mspaint recolors of fnaf characterz on the family pc in elementary
person you hugged: mother
thing you said: "what"
thing you ate: tater tots X3
texted: "0-0"
you called: mother
called you: prob a spam number lolz
person you saw: sibling
you had a long conversation with: same sibling
summer or winter: winter alwayz
cats or dogs: cats ofc
pepsi or coke: coke
cell phone or ipod: phone
ocean or pool: i usually go to lakes soo XP
black or white: black
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate>>>
flowers or candy: why not both lolz
rock or rap: rock 
tv or movie: moviez
aim or myspace: myspace
stars or hearts: stars <3
bracelets or necklaces: necklaces prob
gold or silver: silver
kisses or hugs: hugs even tho i dont like too much phys contact
pen or pencil:
smoked: no
failed a test: nah
stayed home from school: yup
been to the mall: nop
bought a book: ye
been to a show/concert: no but i will in like 2 monthz
yelled at someone: probably
got into a fight/argument: yes
cried to a friend: yeaa ><
told the truth: yup
tv: ye
your own phone: yup
your own phone line: nop
vcr: nop
dvd player: technically a ps4 can play dvds and itz in my room smtimes
radio: nope
computer: yup, my pc :D
posters: only one for now XP
of what?: miku, got it from bday shopping 
pictures: a bunchh
of who?: a bunch of cute pink characterz, like sanrio and stuffz
taken or single: single
got a crush: nop <3

this was fun to do X333 it'd be cool to do more of theze :D

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