🍓HalleyJade🍓's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

★ about me ★

Pink Cherry

name: halley-jade

nickname: hal, halls.

age: 30

pronouns: she/they

birthday: feb. 7

siblings: 2

straight/bi/gay: bi

job: at the library


hair color: black

eye color: brown/black

height: 5'6"

ethnicity: black/mixed

look like a celeb: will smith as a girl lol

dye your hair: currently black and pink =d

have bangs: not anymore

have braces: no

wear glasses: yes

wear contacts: no

piercings: ears, nose

tattoos: 3 (getting more next year)


Color:  pink

Video Game: final fantasy games

Movie: too many good movies ;__;

TV show: steven universe

animal: cats, dogs, birds, bears... all of them

drink: TEA, sweet iced tea, hot tea

food: pasta, curry, pizza

alcoholic drink: rum

car: convertible 

day of the week: friday

season: winter

song: ........ no way

sport: basket ball

holiday: halloween

book: nightshade by john saul

flower: daisy


person you hugged: boyf

thing you said: uhhh

thing you ate: reuben sandwich

texted: sister

you called: boyf

called you: therapist o__o;

person you saw: boyf

you had a long conversation with: my sister


summer or winter: winter

cats or dogs: yes

Pepsi or Coke: as long as it's sugar free

cell phone or Ipod: cell phone?

ocean or pool: ocean

black or white: black

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

flowers or candy: flowers

rock or rap: roockkrappp ??

TV or movie: movies

AIM or MySpace: bring back aim ;__;

stars or hearts: stars

bracelets or necklaces: earrings

gold or silver: gold

kisses or hugs: hugs

pen or pencil: pens


smoked: kinda

been to the mall: no

bought a book: yes 

been to a show/concert: no

got into a fight/argument: kinda

cried to a friend: nah

told the truth: all the time

lied: no


taken or single: taken~

got a crush: probably not

2 Kudos


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