Mini_Mon's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

About me survey (:


name:: Monica
nickname:: Moni
age:: 14 ( turning 15 in November. )
pronouns:: She/Her
birthday:: November 15
siblings:: 8 (There all half siblings)
straight/bi/gay:: Straight
job:: student


hair color:: Dark brown
eye color:: brown
height:: 4'11" last time i checked but i might be 5'0 now
ethnicity:: Mexican
look like a celeb:: Idk
dye your hair:: No
have bangs:: No
have braces:: No
wear glasses:: No
wear contacts:: No
piercings:: Yes, septum and ears
tattoos:: No


color:: pink
video game:: Probably "What remains of Edith Finch" 
movie:: I have a lot, HTTAD literally my favorite childhood movie, Harry potter Im a nerd for all the movies, IT the first one I just love how the Loser gang kinda sticks together, Monster high also part of my childhood.
tv show:: Criminal minds (Im so sad they took it off Netflix)
animal:: cats, Dogs, Sharks 
drink:: Horchata 
food:: ice cream
alcoholic drink:: Im underaged
car:: Idk
day of the week:: probably Friday
season:: Winter
song:: Beautiful boy(Jhon Lennon), Dance with the Devil(Breaking Benjamin), Atlantis(seafreat), Ancient Rome(Kayla Seeber), Heroes(David bowie), Eres Mia (Romeo Santos), Child Psychology (Black Box Recorder), Monsoon (Tokio Hotel), I'm Not Angry Anymore(Paramore) and a lot more
sport:: Wrestling or Figure skating
teacher:: History Teacher
subject:: Math
holiday:: Christmas
book:: Dead poet society or Perks of being a wallflower
magazine:: Big Brother
flower:: rosemary, Rose, Daisy
memory:: I dont know

☆*・゚ LAST

person you hugged:: My best friend
thing you said:: Chocolate
thing you ate:: chocolate ice cream
texted:: My best friend
you called:: my best friend
called you: best friend
person you saw: My Mom
you had a long conversation with:: best friend ( we were on the phone 10 mins ago) 


summer or winter:: winter
cats or dogs:: Dogs
pepsi or coke:: Coke
cell phone or ipod:: Cell phone
ocean or pool:: I'm scared of both 
black or white:: depends
chocolate or vanilla:: chocolate
flowers or candy:: Candy
rock or rap:: probably rock
tv or movie:: TV
aim or myspace:: myspace
stars or hearts:: stars
bracelets or necklaces:: Bracelets
gold or silver:: Silver
kisses or hugs:: Kisses
pen or pencil:: I like fountain pens better 


smoked:: I dont smoke
failed a test:: No
stayed home from school:: Yes
been to the mall:: No
bought a book:: No
been to a show/concert:: No
yelled at someone:: Yes
got into a fight/argument:: Yes
cried to a friend:: No
told the truth:: Yes
lied:: Yes


tv:: Yes
your own phone:: Yes
your own phone line:: No
vcr:: No
dvd player:: no
radio:: no
computer:: No
posters:: No
of what?:: Don’t have any
pictures:: Yes
of who?:: My friends and dogs


taken or single:: single
got a crush:: No

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