Mini_Mon's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

About me survey (:


name: Monica
nickname: Moni, Mini
age:: 15
pronouns:: She/Her
birthday:: November, 15
siblings:: 5
straight/bi/gay:: Straight
job:: student


hair color:: Dark brown
eye color:: brown
height:: 4'11"
ethnicity:: Hispanic
look like a celeb:: Idk
dye your hair:: No
have bangs:: No
have braces:: No
wear glasses:: No
wear contacts:: No
piercings:: Yes,ears
tattoos:: No


color:: pink
video game:: "What remains of Edith Finch" 
movie:: I have a lot but HTTYD 
tv show:: Criminal minds 
animal:: Cats, Dogs, Sharks 
drink:: Horchata 
food:: ice cream
alcoholic drink:: Minor
car:: Idk
day of the week:: Friday
season:: Winter
song:: For the dancing and the dreaming
sport:: Wrestling or Hockey
teacher:: History Teacher
subject:: Science
holiday:: Christmas
book:: Dead poet society or I have no mouth and i must scream
magazine:: Big Brother
memory:: Idk

☆*・゚ LAST

person you hugged:: Mom
thing you said:: I think therefore I am
thing you ate:: chocolate ice cream
texted:: Sister
you called:: Sister
called you: Mom
person you saw: My Mom
you had a long conversation with:: best friend


summer or winter:: winter
cats or dogs:: Dogs
pepsi or coke:: Coke
cell phone or ipod:: Cell phone
ocean or pool:: pool
black or white:: depends
chocolate or vanilla:: chocolate
flowers or candy:: Candy
rock or rap:: Rock
tv or movie:: TV
aim or myspace:: myspace
stars or hearts:: stars
bracelets or necklaces:: Bracelets
gold or silver:: Silver
kisses or hugs:: Kisses
pen or pencil:: Pens


smoked:: N
failed a test:: No
stayed home from school:: Yes
been to the mall:: No
bought a book:: Yes
been to a show/concert:: No
yelled at someone:: Yes
got into a fight/argument:: Yes
cried to a friend:: No
told the truth:: Yes
lied:: Yes


tv:: Yes
your own phone:: Yes
your own phone line:: Yes
vcr:: No
dvd player:: no
radio:: no
computer:: No
posters:: No
of what?:: Nothing
pictures:: Yes
of who?:: My friends and dogs


taken or single:: single
got a crush:: No

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