abt me quiz

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Show Em' The Ropes - A Day To Remember
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nickname: Dominik / Dom
age: 21
pronouns: he / him / it
birthday: feb 2nd :3
siblings: one sister tht i dnt know :/
straight/bi/gay: bi !
job: none atm :(


hair color: greeeen and brown :D
eye color: blu
height: 5'2"
ethnicity: white / american
look like a celeb: i highly doubt
dye your hair: yea !!!! its green
have bangs: naw but i used to
have braces: naw
wear glasses: naw im supposed 2 tho
wear contacts: naw
piercings: ears pierced
tattoos: unfortunately not yet


Color: sage green !!!!!!!
Video Game: overwatch :3
Movie: house of wax obviously
TV show: ncis :3
animal: idk anymore ! probably frogs
drink: mmm strawberry dr pebber
food: honestly idfk probably cheeseburgers
alcoholic drink: jamaican me happy smirnoff its so good
car: I LUVV TRUCKS SMMM preferably dodge ram
day of the week: saturday
season: fall
song: rn its helena by mcr but it changes a lot
sport: wrestling even tho wwe isnt considered a sport
restaurant: yamotos japanese steakhouse :3
teacher: it was my chem teacher i miss him
subject: choir
book: harry potter n the prisoner of azkaban orrr paper towns
magazine: i nvr read those
flower: daisies :3
memory: christmas walk wif my fiance i love her smm


person you hugged: my fiance
thing you said: "yea he was in the fireplace"
thing you ate: corn n mashed taties
texted: wybie wybieee
you called: my motha
called you: my motha
person you saw: my fiance
you had a long conversation with: its b/t wyb and my fiance


summer or winter: winter ofc
cats or dogs: cats (ur wrong if u disagree)
Pepsi or Coke: depends from where but if its just like bottled/canned i'll take pebis
cell phone or Ipod: cellphone bc its literally an ipod and it does other shit
ocean or pool: pool bc its harder 2 drown
black or white: black ez claps
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla fs its not as rich
flowers or candy: tbh flowers bc theyre cute :3
rock or rap: i like both

TV or movie: movie
AIM or MySpace: myspace
stars or hearts: stars bc its more decorative
bracelets or necklaces: necklaces bcc theyre harder 2 feel
gold or silver: silver fsss
kisses or hugs: kisses but only frum my fiance ><
pen or pencil: pencils bc u can erase


smoked: no
failed a test: no i dont go to school
stayed home from school: read last answer
been to the mall: YEAA i went to bath and body works and nirvana
bought a book: nawΒ 
been to a show/concert: naw
yelled at someone: yea im just loud
got into a fight/argument: probably, i love arguing with people over dumb shit
cried to a friend: yea
told the truth: yes
lied: for sure


TV: yea
your own phone: ya
your own phone line: naw
VCR: naw
DVD player: naw
radio: yeaaa
computer: in my livin room
posters: not yet
of what?: nothing yet
pictures: yeasaaa
of who?: me n my fiance


taken or single: TAKEENNN
got a crush: on my FIANCEEEEE

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