dave's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

💿survey going around💿


name: dave

age: 23

hair color: bleach blonde (natural nearly black brown)

eye color: it usually looks hazel but theyre like kinda greyish in a lot of places with flecs of brown and green

race: the most transparent of whites


color(s): red/black/pink/neon radioactive ass green

food: sushi or garlic tonkatsu ramen

drink: sweet tea/apple juice/lavender milk tea boba

television show: community. hands down we have watched it like 4000 times

movie: tough. between house (1977) and but im a cheerleader

song: this question will be my death uhhhh rn? probably D-LOW or i am him by ITSOKTOCRY. or nicotine or defeated by can of bliss.... or onions by webcage. i like too much shit to pick

place to be: in my apartment lmao i hate going outside

stuffed animal: another tough one we have so much plush. id have to say this fat clown plush we found at a thrift. hes so silly and cute

pet: the goblin cat that lives in my home. his name is ravioli hes a cream orange bastard

person: my spouse

game: minecraf baybeee!!

clothing brand/style: goth/punk/emo type stuff. im often in lots of black and chains with some pops of red.


pepsi or coke

ususally i dont drink soda but coke is better

vanilla or chocolate

vanilla. only bc i go for the darkest of chocolates

black or white

black all the way

cats or dogs

cats 100% we got cats in our brain bro (shoutout davepeta)

sink or swim

we from FL we swimmin

lake or ocean

ocean. again were FL natives

night or day

night. the day is when people see me and expect things of me.

half full or half empty

half empty. its what were runnin on

desktops or laptops

both. we have a laptop but want a desktop. but laptops r convenient because were hella disabled we gotta lay down

playstation or xbox

hard choice. dont make me choose i grew up with both at dif points and we had a ps recently but were borrowing an xbox so?? fuck man idk xbox. more memories

summer or winter

winter its hot as fuck here that is my only relief

cold or warm


lover or fighter

lover but ill fight if i gotta

car or truck

car. driving trucks scares me they feel too big

cup or glass

cup we have dropsy disorder

fork or spoon

chopsticks superior

walking or running

walking (i cannot run ill die)(cant run when we use our cane either)


a piercing: yupp we got both nostrils, 3 on each ear (one was 4 but it ripped), and we had an eyebrow bar but it rejected bc our piercer was ass

a tattoo: yeah but theyre just stick n pokes.

sibling: im an only child but i have siblings in law frm my spouse

parents that are still together: lmaoo nah they long divorced

a boyfriend/girlfriend: many before now

a husband/wife: yesss married 3 years

a child: no thank you the closest i get to that is teaching

a really wild party while your parents were away?: no thats too much work and i only started partying in college

an alcoholic beverage: many a time

a pet of your own: yup quite a few

a house of your own: not a house just an apartment i rent

a car of your own: yeah its my grandmas old one lol


an iPod: yea we used to use that shit all the time in our youth


smoke: weed and nic (sadly)

drink: we try to not have as much because it really clashes with our chronic illnesses

do drugs:  way too many yeah mainly just weed (daily) and lsd (special occasions) but we have had 5 other things (can you guess which ones? ill give you a hint: florida)

hug on the first date: idk not me but maybe somebody else in our brain would.

kiss on the first date: i need to trust somebody to kiss them honestly.

'do it' on the first date: depends how quick they earn my trust but honestly ive fucked on the 2nd or 3rd date. so if the stars align or some shit

shower daily: lol.... we have pots and heds we cannot manage showering daily. i promise we dont smell bad.

brush your teeth daily: we try to yeah (sometimes we dont leave the house and forgor)

keep your room clean:  our whole house is messy we got too much stuff and i do too much art

do all your homework:  now this one we do. to be fair dirk does it for me a lot.

plan on going to college: were in college rn for a BA major in art minor in education



god/heaven: nah but were spiritual

satan/hell: purely ironically or using it in writing for a metaphor. also one of our system mates thinks hes satan (dont mind him hes cringe and scene).

ghosts: yes 100% weve seen one theyre real

aliens: theres no way they arent real

witches: im friends with witches. were a bit witchy ourselves

magic: to certain extents yeah (he said not taking his antipsychotics)

big foot/sasquatch/abominable snowmen: LMAO no but its funny to pretend they are

past lives: 100% big true

global warming: obviously. im not a republican


what's your middle name?: dont got one myself. whatevers funniest

have any nicknames?: not really irl but some people in the system might call me davey or lil man sometimes

what is your favorite name?: object names are cool. if your name is like soap or something youre cool (we have an oc named soap) or single letter names youre cool

what do you wish your name was?: i mean my name is what i wish it was. dave strider. legally i wish it was that though.

what is your favorite season?: winter. i like it to be farkin cold in here (/ref)

do you drink a lot of water?: usually we drink hella water but if we are in special interest mode we forget. we need to be drinking 2-3 L a day for disability stuff but thats hard as fuck.

do you have a pet?: yup. ravioli. said before

do you have a computer at your house?:  just a laptop but its p beefy

do you live in an apartment, house, trailer or other?:  apartment

favorite place to chill?: my room (i <3 my bed)

favorite place to visit?: im a homebody i dont rly like to travel. but orlando is pretty close so probably there but we gotta have extra cash which isnt often

ever eaten something really disgusting?: god dont remind me of all the mold ive eaten. or the bugs ive almost eaten unintentionally. because i have intentionally eaten food grade bugs before i am not squeamish with food if its supposed to be like that. most people would prob consider our sushi orders "disgusting" i guess but uni and fish eggs are fucking delicious

do you work out?: at physical therapy lol... otherwise not really unless its the little stuff we do there. im broken

have you ever gotten arrested?: yeah actually lol... got busted with weed and a pipe in my car. didnt go to jail or anything but i had to take classes and paid all the court bills with my graduation money. rip.

have you ever cheated on someone?: yeah once sadly

has anyone ever cheated on you?: ive had a few people cheat on me

have you ever kissed a stranger?:  yeah lol a few times. usually new friends at partys or smth for fun/funny

have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: lmao thats tuesday

have you ever gotten drunk?: lots

could you ever be a vegetarian?: nah im sorry i like meat and fish too much. i do try to cut down on how much i eat though. gotta be lookin out

can you sing?: a bit... im way too insecure to do it around people. its fun to do tho. i like rapping too. i write stuff in my free time sometimes but i feel too cringe. the one non rap i wrote wasnt bad though, prob the least cringe of my musical writing

can you dance?: not really lol just for fun. hips upward only i have no balance. i used to be able to do that breakdance move where you swing your legs in a circle but that would probably hurt me now lol. most commonly you will see me doing the house show 'nod and foot tap' or headbanging so hard i give myself whiplash at metal shows.

can you draw, paint, color well?: i like to think i do but i got that impostor syndrome. we can do clay work pretty well too. beginner at sewing. and we used to knit but ow

do you have a job?: lol... no im unemployed. im a full time student and i can barely handle that

do you like tape?: ??? huh? i guess washi tape is cool?

do you like glue?:  again "???" i guess i use it for art and things quite a bit

can you solve a Rubik's Cube?: dont call me a nerd but yeah. i can solve one in sub 3 minutes. im kind of out of practice but i could probably do that again if you gave me a bit to remember algorithms. i can solve a 2x2 and pyraminx too (pyraminx is the most fun tbh)

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