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Category: News and Politics

Why do not enough people care... (This post discusses transphobia and politics)

About the fascist rhetoric of modern day right wing (U.S.) politicians? Have you heard these people speak? The things they are saying are extremely concerning. Politicians aren't the only ones guilty of this, either. Talking heads spread this rhetoric as well. Tucker Carlson, Matt Walsh, Brett Cooper, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles... They are all notorious for saying extremely fascistic things. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Matt Walsh quite literally describes himself as a theocratic fascist. I am very disappointed that people either don't care about the things that these politicians are saying/doing or simply making jokes about these people and their thoughts. The things these people are saying are not funny. We should be taking their words as serious threats.

At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that was held in Maryland, Trump went on several rants during his two hour long speech. He rallied against socialists, communists, antifascists (that in itself is a major red flag), immigrants, and trans people. He promised to build "new freedom cities along the frontier" and "get rid of bad and ugly buildings and return to the magnificent classical style of Western civilization," claimed that he supports "baby bonuses for a new baby boom," said that "the Republican party was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists [take note of this antisemitic language], open-border zealots, and fools," before he took office, and threatened that he would "send in federal assets including the national guard until law and order is restored" in "cities where there's been a complete breakdown of public safety." He claimed that "sinister forces" are trying to turn America into a "socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, Marxists, thugs, radicals, dangerous refugees that no other country wants." This entire quote is riddled with racist language, some of it coded and some of it not. Trump also said this about himself: "I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution." I do not need to explain why this is extremely worrying. He repeatedly victimized himself and the rest of the right during his speech, effectively creating an imaginary Us vs. Them scenario. 

Here is Trump's whole speech, since I cannot cover everything that he said: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/trump-speaks-at-cpac-2023-transcript/amp

Michael Knowles, on the other hand, said this about trans people: "There is no middle way in dealing with transgenderism." He then went on to say that "Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely." He later said that he was not calling for the genocide of trans people. I, for one, don't buy that. Even though his rant was against "transgenderism" and not trans people, it is pretty obvious that this was really a rant against trans people. His remarks are coming at a time when anti-trans healthcare bills, bills banning LGBTQ+ books in libraries, anti-drag bills, anti-trans bathroom bills, and other anti-queer bills are being introduced and, in some cases, becoming law. They are also coming at a time when all LGBTQ+ people (especially trans people and LGBTQ+ teachers) are being called groomers. Make no mistake: At a time where anti-trans rhetoric and hate crimes are at an all time high, Michael Knowles' remarks are more than ridiculous. They are dangerous. Right wing politicians are trying to make conditions so bad for trans people that they are forced to live in a constant state of fear and sadness. They are TRYING to increase mental health issues in trans youth and adults. They are TRYING to kill trans people. 

I may update this blog post if I find more to write about. Sorry if any of this is confusing to read.

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ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚨ's profile picture

>”get rid of bad and ugly buildings and return to the magnificent classical style of Western civilization”

What’s wrong with this?

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