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Category: News and Politics

One thing I'm glad I quit doing.

Arguin with peoplez online over thingz, especially politics. I am still a very political person who writes and talks about political/social justice topics in real life and occasionally makez posts about political subjectz online, but arguin with right wingerz in randum comment sections was hurtin mah mental health. It was when I started to truly listen to the perspectives of people in marginalized communities apart frum mah own, started challenging mah own internal biases, and began 2 read more books about social justice issues and politics that I began to grow as a person. Arguin with peoplez online may seem like a good thing in the moment, but in the long run it doesn't really get you anywhere. All it does is make you feel as though your thoughts and opinions are worthless. Even if you provide the person you are arguin with with factz, they will ignore those factz. Arguin with peoplez constantly can make life quite miserable foar both yourself and the peoplez around you. Doin that can make it harder foar you to actually hold a conversation about important topicz in real life as well.

Here is this post without all the scene lingo:

Arguing with people online over things, especially politics. I am still a very political person who writes and talks about issues pertaining to social justice and politics both online and offline, but arguing with right wingers in random comment sections was hurting my mental health. It was when I truly started to listen to the perspectives of those in marginalized communities apart from my own, started challenging my own internal biases, and began to read more books about social justice issues and politics that I began to grow as a person. Arguing with people online may seem like a good thing to do in the moment, but in the long run it doesn't really get you anywhere. All it does is make you feel as though your thoughts and opinions are worthless. Even when you provide the person you are arguing with with facts, they will ignore those facts. Arguing with people constantly can make life quite miserable for both yourself and the people around you. Doing that can make it harder for you to actually hold a conversation about important topics in real life as well.

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