Another original survey

Who did you last talk to over audio or video technology? Bonus points if it was a real phone call, because those are so rare these days.

What are you avoiding doing right now?

How old were you when you had your first sleepover?

Imagine you're at a diner with your father, and halfway through your meal, he tells you he and your mother are getting a divorce and he'll be moving out. What flavor milkshake are you drinking?

You know your mother and I love you very much, right?

You want to maybe get some ice cream after this?

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Jon 🐇

Jon 🐇's profile picture

My dad told me on the two and a half hour drive back from college for the summer.
"We can't pay for your next year, son, we need the money for lawyers." :P

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Did you get ice cream at least?

by DeryckEleven; ; Report

I can't recall, it was the late 70's after all XD

by Jon 🐇; ; Report