about me survey

i found this in recent blog posts =) feels like a vent tag meme LOL so i was excited to do it. i have no idea who made this or where it came from...sorry lol 


name: not giving my real name on here

nickname: bee

age: 22

pronouns: they/them only

birthday: haha yeah no

siblings: little sister but she's not little  

straight/bi/gay: lesbian. probably 


hair color: brown

eye color: brown

height: um like 5'9" or 5'10"

ethnicity: white

look like a celeb: no LMAO

dye your hair: the last time i did was in early july and it was a magenta box dye that just made my brown hair a little lighter 

have bangs: yes and i will never grow them out

have braces: i used to! i got them off right before i started high school

wear glasses: yes

wear contacts: nooo

piercings: only my ears. i used to want dahlias lol 

tattoos: one of a bee on my forearm =) i want to get another one in memorium of my dad


color: pink and yellow. cannot choose so don't ask again

movie: howl's moving castle <3

tv show: bee and puppycat

animal: um...i don't know i never really think about favorite animals

drink: lemonade

food: right now it's trader joe's mac n cheese. specifically the red box

alcoholic drink: margaritas

day of the week: any day i don't work LOL 

season: summer or winter. i like consistent temperatures 

song: i like giants by kimya dawson

sport: um...does beach volleyball on wii resort count? 

restaurant: red robin...yummm 

teacher: my third grade teacher was lovely <3

subject: english

holiday: christmas because of the lights and family time

book: i haven't read in a while =( 

magazine: n/a

flower: baby's breath



person you hugged: my grandpa

thing you said: "oh yay house hunters!" 

thing you ate: ravioli lasagna from costco

texted: my partner

you called: my partner

called you: my partner

person you saw: my mom 

you had a long conversation with: my partner LOL 


summer or winter: summer...just bc i'm tired of the cold right now

cats or dogs: dogs bc i'm allergic to cats 

pepsi or coke: neither

cell phone or Ipod: omg i used to have an ipod touch before i dropped it on my bathroom floor and the tile smashed the screen...

ocean or pool: ocean <3

black or white: black 

chocolate or vanilla: usually chocolate but sometimes i crave the simplicity of vanilla 

flowers or candy: flowers

rock or rap: depends on my mood

tv or movie: tv

aim or myspace: um...spacehey LOL 

stars or hearts: hearts of course

bracelets or necklaces: necklaces

gold or silver: gold

kisses or hugs: both =)

pen or pencil: pencil unless the pen is in a fun color


smoked: nope

stayed home from school: i don't go to school anymore

been to the mall: nope

bought a book: no

been to a show/concert: no

yelled at someone: yes

got into a fight/argument: yes

cried to a friend: yes?

told the truth: yes


vt: not anympre

your own phone: no

your own phone line: no

vcr: no (i love how dated this is)

ddv player: no

radio: kinda? it's an alarm clock that can play radio upon alarm

computer: yes

posters: no

of what?: 

pictures: yes

of who?: family


taken or single: taken <3

got a crush: no but honestly i miss that feeling

that's all folks!

thanks for reading =) 

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