jackie's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

stole meme lol

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? skull ring set

 What do you prefer to drink in the morning? ice tea

 What’s your favorite meal? soup

 Favorite hobby? drawing and music

 Name a trait that you hate about yourself? idk my anxiety

 Middle name? no

 Name 3 thoughts at this moment: spiders are awesome and fuzzy and  i liek soda

 How did you bring in New Years? like another day i guess

 Favorite place to go? bed

 Last thing you ate? fries

 Introvert or extrovert? introvert augh

 What color shirt are you wearing? black with miku

 Favorite color? blue and black

Favorite girl’s name? i love so many names idk, but my fave initials are c, s, m and j probably... and every vowel except a but a names can be nice sometimes

Favorite boy’s name? same as above tbh

How many TVs are in your house? one

What is your worst habit? i am flawless

 How many pets do you have? one kitteh my sweet baby angel honey muffin jade

 What is your favorite candy? um um.... mnms

 What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? stop calling me im asleep and Omg its 4 oclock

Last song you listened to: putting on mad oparty by dazzle vision now cuz i forgot

Something someone might not know about you? im awesome

Nicknames: i guess jackie is already a nickname, jack, skit

Tattoos: none

 Do you like hot-dogs? yum

 What is your love language? physical touch probably

 Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no thats so lame

 Do you usually initiate hugs? yes

 What do you believe we as human beings take most for granted in this world? like everything

 Favorite month and why? october and november because the weather and holidays, but also march cuz my birthday lol

 Have you ever met anyone famous? yes myself

 Alcoholic beverage of choice? im underage and scared of alcohol

 What’s your favorite love movie? bride of reanimator i <3 horror yaoi

 What is an unpopular opinion you have? everything ive ever thought

Three things you don’t like that most people do? 1. live 2. breathe 3. exist within my vicinity

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