♡ chef boyardee ♡

what is the general consensus on chef boyardee ? i feel like i remember that shit tasting like a gourmet restaurant but its actually not as awesome as i remember ? maybe the spaghettios are okay..

also could be because i was used to eating literal cat food and coffee grounds as a feral backwoods child, so chef was like a delicacy fr. hes also kinda cute though with the little hat 😂

✰❀✺❦ LLchef ❦✺❀✰

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Inspector Lee

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I do like their Mini Ravioli - or the full-size ravioli - but that's all. I think I tried a can of their Lasagna once but it wasn't as good.

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some of their stuff is okay but definitely doesn't match the hype of the commercials lol

by 🌺 ZOE 🌺; ; Report