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So-called "Moms for Liberty" actually hate liberty.

If you don't live in the United States, you probably don't know of the right-wing group "Moms For Liberty". And you should be grateful you don't know of them. But for those who don't know, they're a right wing group that came around during the COVID pandemic(which I'm sure a lot of them think is a hoax) in opposition to the COVID related safety restrictions in Florida public schools and later spread throughout the country.

Moms for Liberty soon broadened their agenda to encompass other school-related items, focusing on the way issues such as racism and religion are addressed in reading materials provided to students. They've been using tactics such as harassment and doxxing of educators in the name of "parental rights". One school board member in Florida had someone file a false child abuse report against her. But where the real oxymoron in their name comes from is their stance on what can and cannot be taught in public schools and have been leading the charge to ban anything and everything that teaches about racism, sexism, LGBTQ rights and discrimination. Many schools across the country have been forced to remove books that mention these topics, regardless of age level. Moms for Liberty have gone as far as to offer bounties to people who catch anyone teaching these subjects and have also called for LGBTQ students to be segregated in to "specialized" classes, much like children with mental disabilities are. Basically, they don't want to schools to teach anything that makes White Anglo-Saxon Protestant heterosexual children feel guilty about the past.

The ironic thing about this group is that despite having "Liberty" in their name, they're actually taking away liberty from others. You can't claim to be in favor of "parental rights" if you're infringing on other parent's rights. By banning(and probably burning) books from schools and threatening to shut down public libraries, you're basically infrining on people's rights to learn what they want. If you don't want YOUR kids to learn something that triggers you, that's your choice. But you don't have the right to tell other parents how to raise THEIR kids and tell THEM what they can and cannot learn. And you people are the ones bitching about "cancel culture". This group needs to change their name to something more accurate like "Moms Against Liberty" or "Karens For Censorship".

#CensorshipIsUnAmerican, plain and simple. If you don't believe in #FreedomOfSpeech for people you don't agree with, you don't believe in freedom of speech.

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