surveyyy i took

Name: Valerie!

Age: 14.

Month of birth: January .

Any siblings?: yep I have 3 .

Parents still married?: yeahhh .

Occupation: tf is an occupation, is it a job?Β  .

Do you like your job?: i donttt really have a job .

Any pets?: 2 cats and a dog .

Hair color: black .

Eye color: light brown i guezzz .

Shoe size: idek i typically wear a 7 in womens but I can also wear a 5 or 6Β 

Any tattoos?: nopee.

Any piercings?: ear piercingsΒ  .

Current mood: slightly annoyed, also very hungry (hungry is a mood yes) .

Current wardrobe choice: am wearing a plaid skirt with a ripped band t-shirt .

What are you listening to?: currently listening to kill bill by sza .

Who did you speak with on the phone?: i dont really call anyone, last person was my mother.

What do you currently smell like?:japanese cherry blossom

Last movie you watched?: i cant remember, i think it was a pokemon movie

Last Magazine you looked at: random magazine with rosé from blackpink on it 

Last Thing you ate: chicken wings

Last Book you read: the baby-sitters club .

Last TV show you watched: Extraordinary Attorney Woo .

Last Time you cried: yesterday .

Last Got a letter (aka snail mail): huh .

Last restaurant you ate at (not fast food): I think it was texas roadhouse .

Last CD you bought: I havent bought any cds in a while so i cant remember .

What is/was the best thing to happen to you today?: nothing?

What is/was Your most prized possession: my uhh laptop i think

What is/was Your first vehicle: a bicycle?

What is/was Your current vehicle: still a bicycle and a car i guess idfk.

What is/was Your favorite quote: "thats unfortunate"

What is/was Your bedtime (on average): I usually go to sleep around 3 or 4 am

What is/was Your best trait/characteristic: uhhh idk

What is/was Your worst trait/characteristic: still dont know.

Do you store things under your bed?: yes, i store my ddr mat under there lol.

Do you Daydream: ofc i do .

Do you Have a computer at home: yezz i do.

Do you Live in the city, suburbs, or country: city .

Do you Live in a home, apartment, duples, or mobile home: a homee .

Do you Own a cell phone: yep .

Do you Have a good luck charm: i dont think i have one atm

Do you Collect anything:Β i collect any and everything

Do you Make good grades: as of right now my grades are pretty good

Have you ever Had a surgery: nah

Have you ever Had teeth pulled: yep .

Have you ever Broke the law intentionally: yes i have .

Have you ever Ran away from home?:no but i've thought about it T-T .

Have you ever Broke a bone?: thankfully i havent .

Have you ever Cheated on a test/exam: oh most definitely .

Have you ever Had a friend pass away: no

Have you ever Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: i dont even drive yet

Have you ever Been in a auto accident: yeah i guess .

Have you ever Lied to someone: who hasnt.

Have you ever Been lied to: once again, who hasnt .

Your favorite place to be: in my room.

Your Favorite Place to visit: the park or the library.

Your favorite place to chill: my roooom .

Your favorite non-alcoholic drink: soda, preferably strawberry soda .

Your favorite alcoholic drink: i like margaritas I guess but hey wine is good too, there was another favorite of mine but i forgot what it was called

Your favorite type of food: idk i like all types .

Your favorite food/dish: Chicken alfredo.

Your favorite dessert: Chocolate cake .

Your favorite shampoo & conditioner: uh i dont know the brand lmao .

Your favorite toothpaste: colgate i guess .Β 

Your favorite salad dressing: ranch

Your favorite ice cream: vanillaaaaaa me loviez vanilla

Your favorite fast food establishment: i do not know

Your favorite color: Pink but also blue

Your favorite season: idk, fall i guess

Your favorite holiday: halloween i think

Your favorite perfume/cologne: japanese cherry blossom

Your favorite video game: idk idk idk

Your favorite TV show: my little pony i think

Your favorite smell(s): i like the smell of tissues and new stuff and also gasoline

Your favorite article of clothing: skirts and cardigans

Your favorite book: The land of the forgotten girls.

Your favorite children’s book: idfk, green eggs and ham i guess .

Your favorite candy: kit-kat

Your favorite car: i dont havee a favorite car

Do you believe in karma: oh most definitely.

Do you believe in god: yes???? .

Do you believe in Heaven & Hell: idk .

Do you believe that aliens exist: yeah probablyΒ  .

Do you believe that ghosts exist: yes .

Do you believe in horoscopes: idrk what that isΒ  .

Do believe in others you know (family, friends, co-workers, etc): huh idk not really.

Do you believe in yourself: occasionally .

Your opinion on the death penalty: i dont have an opinion on this.

Your opinion on reciting the Pledge of allegiance in schools: i hate it.

Your opinion on homosexuals in the military: i dont have an opinion on itt, let the homos be in the military idc.

0 Kudos


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