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Category: Writing and Poetry

Piecing it Together - Serenity

Piecing it all together has not been easy. Day by day, by the hours, down to the minute. It seems tedious, all the leg work that is. The repetition seems endless, but how do you perfect anything? I've found myself drowning in my cycle at times, but it's easy to do. The more important thing is the big picture. Take a step back and breathe. Collect yourself and your thoughts. Let the stress and worry melt away

Have you ever sat in the car at night or at dawn, listening to your well-curated playlist of all your favorite slow songs, as you listen to every note, and pitch and felt the words course through you like a bad storm? Or stood in the rain just feeling every single drop hit you? It takes a special kind of attention, to feed your soul, and every emotion you've ever felt bubbles up until it resolves into nothing but pure peace. Even if it's just for a second, where all the thoughts are quiet, the emotions calm down and you can only hear your heartbeat and focus on your breath? 

This is when I unlocked Serenity.

I'm actually writing a song about this right now. Wish me luck.

3 Kudos


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