it is my pleasure to inform you that this a survey

What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals?

It was rock-adjacent. Chantal Claret

Is there a certain song you’ve been listening to a lot lately?

Not intentionally, but I remember hearing Billie Eilish’s bad guy multiple times in the last week

Who was the last person you congratulated or said “well done” to? What for?

I don’t remember. Probably my wife for something she did professionally

Is there something everyone is talking about at the moment that you have no interest in?

It’s not everyone, but enough people talk about professional sports and I have zero interest

What was the last show you watched an episode of?

Ginny & Georgia

^And which character in that show do you relate to, or identify with, most?


Do you have any medical appointments coming up anytime soon?


What was the last book you read, and what did you enjoy about it?

Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime. He’s a good storyteller, but so far it’s a fucked up story.

Do you say ‘I love you’ to anyone daily?


Do you know of any celebrities that share your birthday?

Yes, but I’m not going to assist in my own doxxing

Do you have any accounts for social platforms that you no longer use?

I signed up for several to replace Twitter, which I still use. I have actively stopped using some and others are becoming that way by default

How did you come up with your username for SpaceHey?

I was already using it on Twitter, but it’s my first name and favorite number

Do you own any clothes with an image of an animal on them?

I’ve got a shirt with bear upending a D&D table

Look around the room - can you see anything that’s yellow?


Do you know anyone named Vanessa? Tell me a little bit about this person.

A few, but I haven’t spoken to any in probably 10 years or longer at this point. The most recent was a co-worker in a related department at my old job working with breast implants. For white elephant her first year she brought in a bongo drum that she regretted getting for her son

What was the last movie that you saw for the first time?

Black Adam, I believe

^And what did you think of it?

It wasn’t very good

Who was the last person that asked to borrow something of yours?

I don’t know if anyone has asked to borrow anything since COVID started

^What was it?

No idea

Do you ever drink any fruit or herbal teas? What kind(s) do you like?

Yes. chamomile can be nice

Have you ever watched any of the Hammer horror films?

I might have seen Let Me In, but I think I’ve only seen the Swedish original Let the Right One In. I’m familiar with the category, but I did not see any other titles that were familiar.

Have you heard anyone singing today, or has anyone sang in your presence?


What time will it be 2 hours from now?

Time for you to get a watch

2 Kudos


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Malibu 21+

Malibu 21+'s profile picture

It doesn't matter how many times I've heard Bad Guy, I always love it!

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It’s such a fantastic song. I’ve also enjoyed multiple covers of it.

by DeryckEleven; ; Report

Have you heard Seth Everman's infamous cover? Haha

by Malibu 21+; ; Report

No, and it’s not on Spotify. But there is a playlist of the original songs he has covered. Am I going to be upset if I find it and listen?

by DeryckEleven; ; Report

You gotta watch the video:

by Malibu 21+; ; Report

I am not sure what I just watched, but I did laugh awkwardly.

by DeryckEleven; ; Report