Aye, What's Up?

Hey everyone! 
Just started today, and love to meet some new people and have some fun! 
Missed this era of the internet so I'm glad to find this community! 

Hope you have a good day!

~ MPP.

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ponyo fish

ponyo fish's profile picture

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just started too even tho my account is old?!???????????????????? ish????????? what games do u like? im terrible at all of them but minecraft + simulation games r my fave

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I love minecraft too!! I play kinda anything that stimulates that goopy goblin gamer brain juice in my head. currently playing warframe and titanfall 2, but been loving risk of rain 2, replaying sonic adventure for god knows how many times, and trying to get into Shin Megami Tensei 3 and wanna get Persona 4 Golden.

by meltingpotpasta; ; Report