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Category: News and Politics

Feeling tired of the way this country treats LGBTQ+ people... (Mention of transphobia)

This blog post is more of a serious one.

For the past year or so, I feel like my anger towards every anti-LGBTQ+ political figure has turned to exhaustion. I am truly so, so tired. I am tired of having to sit here while people like myself, my friends, and my siblings are attacked again and again and again. I am tired of hearing stories about anti-LGBTQ+ politicians banning LGBTQ+ books (a very fascist move, by the way), preventing trans people from playing on the sports teams they want to play on and using the bathrooms they need to, refusing to use trans people's correct names and pronouns (that literally kills kids), disrespecting trans people in general, calling trans kids delusional, preventing trans youth and adults from accessing the care they need, etc. I used to be filled with rage towards the politicians who did these things, but now it's almost like I feel apathetic. I want to feel angry, as anger is what inspires me to speak out. However, it's like I can't really muster up enough rage to say anything. It doesn't help that our so-called "allies" don't really seem to be doing as much as they should right now. Allies are supposed to be there to aid LGBTQ+ people in times of crisis when the work of handling everything ourselves becomes too much of a burden. Instead, our "allies" sit by passively as we continue to struggle. Sure, there have been some breakthroughs in LGBTQ+ rights by allies and LGBTQ+ people alike, but for the most part it seems (even if this is not true) that the right wingers are winning. Every day, there seems to be a new story about an LGBTQ+ book ban or an anti-trans bill. Some of these bills are extremely, extremely concerning (by that, I mean that some of these bills- most of them, to be honest- sound very fascistic). I am also tired of the fact that we allow people like Ben Shapiro, Brett Cooper, Steven Crowder, and Matt Walsh to have a platform when all they do is spread dangerous misinformation (and not only about LGBTQ+ people). Matt Walsh even describes himself as a "theocratic fascist." We should not be allowing him to have a platform, especially after his "What is a Woman" documentary. I recommend watching Jessie Gender's videos on why Matt Walsh's anti-trans misinformation is so dangerous. To get back on topic, the fact that we allow those types of people to have a platform but take platforms away from LGBTQ+ voices (especially LGBTQ+ voices of color) is so infuriating. Almost every social media platform has been known to remove content made by LGBTQ+ people. 

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