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Category: Quiz/Survey

2023.01.10 - GlamCat's "Name A Song #3"

Name A Song #3

1. Name a song that's about feeling nostalgic:

2. Name a song that's a cover of the original:

3. Name a song to workout to:

4. Name a song from the 1960's:

5. Name a song where someone plays an unusual instrument:

6. Name a song by a band whose name starts with the letter A:

7. Name a song with a job in the title:

8. Name a song that mentions a famous person:

9. Name a song you heard for the first time recently:

10. Name a song by an artist who is/was also an actor:

4 Kudos


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Malibu 21+

Malibu 21+'s profile picture

Excellent pick on #8! And regarding #1, have you heard "Remember When" by Alan Jackson? My mom used to make me play it on the piano for her.

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Thank you :)
I know the song semi-well, though I almost always change channels on the radio or hit skip on the interwebz--sad and/or slow music kinda gets me down. pretty song, though, and very cool that you can play it on piano! :)

by WiZΔRD; ; Report