black metal and nazism

if you have even looked at my profile once, you will know that i think that nazis are fuckheads. i hate them, and if you don't hate them, then i'll probably stay away from you.

however, just because i hate nazis does not mean they dont infiltrate spaces im in. for example, the metal community. now i have been listening to metal quite literally before my whole life, my dad played glam and heavy metal in the hospital room i was born in, i even got the twisted sister christmas album played to my undeveloped headass because i was born 2 weeks before christmas. so when i say i know my way around metal, i mean that. as you can imagine, being 15, i obviously have gotten bored of some of the lighter and poppier metal, for example, i no longer like glam metal and i havent for a while now, but that didnt stop 12 year old me headbanging to jump by van halen.

i have gotten into blackened death now, i dont really like bm, but i let some of the black aspects influence me through other genres, like thrash or death or even fucking country (which i dont like at all but pauly creep-o is the shit). and, if you dont know, there a metric fuckload of nazis in the bm community. even one of the most influential bm artists of all time is a fucking nazi. so, when you take my love for a community with nazis in it, and you give it a relatively un-censored and decentralized platform, well, you tend to get a LOT of nazis. and that's the worst part. nazis keep invading OUR scene, OUR music, OUR lives because it's easy to radicalize people through angry music. for example, a massive part in my leftist upbringing has been rage against the machine. now, when you get a bunch of people who are angry with how something is going, but they dont know why its going that way, you get a fuckton of radicalized people.

and now, when i look at this community of people who love fun and just wanna rock out with the gang become hateful, brainwashed morons, it makes me sad. the fact is, if we want to deradicalize the hatred spread by nazism, we have to make sure we do our part in kicking out, mobbing, and ostracizing radicalizers, and not radicalizees. if someone is being radicalized by a nazi, please do anything to bring up the fact they're stupid and wrong.

thank you and goodbye.

-your favourite fashbasher, borg

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