Patriotic Cult

This one is really short because I just had an idea, and thought it was something blog worthy. Not too deep, don't bitch if I hurt your feelers.~

American Patriots have always been an enigma to me. They are super dedicated to the glory of the USA, freedom, bald eagles, presidents, bombing middle eastern children, drilling for oil in foreign lands, and keeping America 'great'. (I can't see what's so great about 'Murica, and they can never give you a reason beyond 'land of the free'. hah.) For these people who claim to hate sensitive people and 'snowflakes', they seem to get very pissy when you criticize the Mighty USA. If you even dare to criticize their policies and politics, they immediately cry for you to leave their mighty country if you don't like it. Nothing good comes from something uncriticizable, and if you can't consume critically, you're just consuming mindlessly. 

If you describe this without mentioning specific identifiers (ie. USA, patriots, etc) then what does this look like.... if you guessed cult, you guessed right! A mindless hivemind blindly following and worshiping an uncriticizable force is like, the definition of a cult.  (Now in hindsight, maybe this is why they're so insufferable. Huh.) 

In all, blindly following the USA like a purse dog is stupid, don't look like an idiot, have fun. 

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rupertgodgamer's profile picture

skill issue

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Jason's profile picture

The cult is capitalism and it has two branches in the US.

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This aswell, such a wretched country this is.

by Genesis; ; Report


Marcie's profile picture

I think it's fine to show your love for being able to live in a country that has a lot more freedom and privilege than others. When I show my love for America I don't show my love for corrupt governments or leaders of today, I show my love for the people who died in the revolution so that future generations can live in freedom and independence. And even now we are still fighting for that freedom, though we've come a long way with it, and today anybody, no matter their background, race, or gender, has the right to own property and live freely. Women are allowed to drive cars, enslavement is outlawed, gay marriage is legal, and anyone can practice any religion or spirituality without persecution. We have all these rights because we have freedom of speech, which is something many people in many different countries, unfortunately, do not have. Although there are some issues here that we could always work on, we should still be grateful for the privilege we live in. In countries like North Korea you can be sent to camps or even killed merely for having a different opinion. I do acknowledge that America can have its own problems too, but that's something we as the people have the power to change, unlike North Korea. (unless we're too lazy to get up from our phone screens and actually do something lol) Yeah, America has its bad qualities and dark history, but what country doesn't? It doesn't mean we should hate our country as a whole. Instead of dwelling on the past we should focus on the future and think of what we can do to make this place better for the next generation because that's how a proper country grows and thrives. History is important but so is the future.

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Yes you are right, I am truly grateful for some of the good that's come from our country, but I've never been 100% a lover of the country, and find those who love it unconditionally and to that extreme extent silly.

Every country is deeply flawed, and none is truly that much better than others. While the USA has some more freedoms that other countries don't, it doesn't deserve the "perfect" reputation and admiration that many people have for it. It is ~somewhat~ good when compared to other, less priveleged countries, but we aren't the best of the best that people make it out to be.

by Genesis; ; Report

I agree with you, America may have freedom of speech but we have always been divided by politics since the beginning of time. Our society is so divided by politics and these days it's everywhere, even indoctrinating our kids into doing stupid shit and teaching them to be divided and hate those who have a different opinion. And our generation and the future generations are going to grow up so divided from each other because political parties use the youth as fricken pawns. I think the most "culty" thing about America is the political parties. Those parties are super culty. The way both parties act is comparable to animals. Instead of reasonable and respectful debates that are actually productive, people would rather scream like banshees at each other like that changes anything. It's impossible to be morally correct because everyone has different perspectives and opinions on what morality actually is. In some people's eyes, being a Democrat is submitting yourself to the devil, and to others being a Republican is considered the equivalent of being a slave owner. No matter what side you take there will always be a large group of people that will hate your guts and want to kill you because they think they're too high and mighty on the moral spectrum to consider you a human being. And we're feeding our kids into this political-entitlement culture. To put it in simple terms, our future generations may be doomed.

by Marcie; ; Report


Genesis's profile picture

I've got things to do, not much time to talk. Hopefully this doesn't ruffle any feathers.

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