The Great John Maduin hath arrived on SpaceHey!!!!!!!!! (lol)
I love LISA RPG, DHMIS, Bratz, and all that stuff I say on my profile!!!
I choose SpaceHey because it is built more on making connections with new people rather than making content that appeases the ad gods. Don't get me wrong, you WILL be seeing me make art on here (shitty art because my Wacom tablet is a tad faulty), but I felt like I was performing on an overcrowded platform for just a CHANCE at new people MAYBE seeing my stuff, and even then they wouldn't really interact with me or my posts beyond giving them a "like" and me a "follow". While on here, everyone's on a pretty much equal playing field when it comes to meeting new people, and those new people don't just "like" and then continue endlessly scrolling through what the algorithm feeds them. This platform is built for people to comment on posts and meet each other that way. It's more personal. It's cool. I love it.
Plus, I like how you can personalize your page really in-depth with HTML, the only other sites I can think of that still let you do that are Tumblr and Neopets. I'm planning on making my own custom theme eventually, but it's been a while since I've messed around with HTML, so it might take a bit lol.
Feel free to strike up a conversation with me, but you do not have to, of course!
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