Agent_Mothman's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

boredom quiz!!

Name: Orion

Age: 18

Month of Birth: April

Any siblings?: Henry, my twin

Any pets?: dog named Phantom. Danny passed away about a year ago...

Hair color: Grey!!

Eye color: no comment

Shoe size: 

Any tattoos?: nope, but there are some I want-

Any piercings?: yup!! snake bites, bridge, nose, helix and mid helix (both sides) and gauges

Current mood: 

Current wardrobe choice: same as always!! black compression shirt, short sleeve white button down, black tie, my patch pants, some pins, and a choker. and my silly lil shades, eye patch, and lil antennae headband-

What are you listening to?: Lemon Demon Spirit Phone in order (as intended). Just got to "I Earn My Life"

Who did you last speak with on the phone?: my dad

What do you currently smell like?: basement dweller


Movie you watched: Men In Black 3 (with Matt <3)

Magazine you looked at: uhhh I can't remember-

Thing you ate: Matcha Pocky

Book you read: Invader Zim Oni Press comics

TV show you watched: Invader Zim 

Time you cried: yesterday-

Time you showered: this morning

Letter you received: a month ago?

Time you ate at a restaurant: I took myself to Applebee's last week

CD you bought: Dinosaurchestra 

What is/was...

The best thing to happen to you today: smooching a hot man

Your most prized possession: Men In Black comics

Your favorite quote: 

Your bedtime (on average): 4am

Your best trait/characteristic: fluffy hair

Your worst trait/characteristic: crying over fictional characters a lot-

Do you...

Store things under your bed: yes, but they're organized in color-coded labeled bins

Daydream: yes

Have a computer at home: multiple

Live in a house, apartment, duplex, or mobile home: mansion-

Own a cell phone: more than 1

Have a good luck charm: MIB alien attack pin-

Collect anything: MIB and Invader Zim stuff-

Attend highschool or college: highschool (except it's for cool ppl)

Make good grades: probably?

Have you ever...

Had surgery: nope

Had teeth pulled: yeah

Broken the law intentionally: ...perhaps

Ran away from home: no-

Broke a bone: nope

Cheated on a test/exam: no

Had a friend pass away: what are those (kidding!)

Been issued a citation/driving ticket: got Henry's licence suspended once-

Been in an auto/car accident: nope

Lied to someone: probably 

Been lied to: the media lies to all of us constantly-

Your favorite...

Place to be: i love my lab, but I have a lot more stuff at my house-

Place to visit: uhhhh I'm not sure-

Place to chill: my lab 100%

Drink: coffee (lots of different kinds, but I don't want to get too specific-)

Type of food: probably any type of pasta or noodles-

Dessert: cheesecake

Salad dressing: balsamic vinegarrette 

Ice cream: mint

Color: neon green!!

Season: fall-

Holiday: Halloween!!

Perfume/cologne: uhhhhhh 

Video game: Tetris-

TV Show: Invader Zim

Smell: coffee

Article of clothing: compression shirt (it feels nice-)

Book: uhhh that is a *very* difficult question-

Car: my van <3 (well me and my brother share it, but father said he was going to get us new cars as a graduation present, so the van will be mine ehehehehehehehehe-) 

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