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Category: Blogging

Sweet Perfection Wrapped in Chaos

I was once described as:

sweet perfection

wrapped in chaos.


And it totally makes sense.


My life always feels like the world is on fire,

but I'm very well versed in

putting out those fires quickly.


I am practical yet creative.

There is always a solution.

Nothing is truly impossible.

Impassible, maybe,

but never impossible.

I always find the best solutions

for all parties involved rather fastidiously.

I am a problem solver

(For which I suppose is why I can be so magnetized  to the chaos.)


I don't believe in chance,

everything happens for a reason,

although we may not always see

the why in the moment.


Karma exists,

and while some should be worried

for their karmic debt,

I do not.

I live by the motto "do the right thing"

I once worked for a company whose philosophy is to ACT.

It was an acronym for Acknowledge, Connect, and Thank.

I hold by that value and always ACT.

Life is too short not to ACT.

It's the acknowledgment that springs the connections.

Those connections are to be cherished

and for that I am thankful.


2 Kudos


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