RainyDaze's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

survey survey surveyyy

-whats your name?:none of your business
-how old are you?:16
-whens your birthday?:national women's day (March 8th)

-single/taken..etc::single and proud
-if taken,who by?:no
-do you love them?:no
*this or that*
-rap or rock?:rock
-pepper or salt?:depends on the meal but if I had to choose one it'd be salt
-orange or red?:both!
-milkshake or smoothie?:milkshake
-winter or summer?:winter because I can't stand hot weather
-eat or sleep?:sleep
-cheetos or fritos?:I've only had cheetos so idk
*true or false*:ok
-your short::sorta true
-you like pink::true
-you eat more fruits than veggies::not sure
-your still in highschool::true
-you still live with your parents::true
-you have a brother::true
-you've been to jail::false lol
-you like rollercoasters::true
*have you ever*
-been to florida?:no
-been to kansas?:no
-watched dora the explorer?:yep
-skipped school when you werent even sick?:absolutely
-kissed someone?:nope
-been fishing?:yeah
-seen a flying star?:no but I'd like to see one
*would you rather*
-get shot or be stabbed?:shot. stabbing sounds more painful
-get your eyebrow or your tounge pierced?:I wanna get both but if I had to choose one, I'd get my eyebrow pierced
-own a duck or a goat?:duck. birds are funny
-learn to play the guitar or the drums?:guitar
-be hot or cold?:cold
*can you*
-tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tounge?:nope
-play any instrument?:yeah I've learned a couple of instruments (piano, guitar, ocarina and ukulele) but
I haven't played any of them in a while so I'm
pretty sure I forgot how to play them :'(
-do pushups?:probably
-stay out past 10pm?:nope :'(
-what do you like to eat for breakfast?:french toast with honey drizzled on top and a cup of coffee 😋
-what do you wanna be when you grow up?:rich and single

-will you copy and repost this for other people to take?:sure!
Take this survey yourself!

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