THE LAUREN's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

a survey of sorts

a charmingly dated little survey meant for myspace profiles back in two-thousand-whenever. gave it a shot but i don't think i'm cut out for most surveys in general.


name:: lauren
nickname:: ren(ny)
how old are you:: 17
zodiac sign:: gemini
current location:: here
eye color:: dark brown
hair color:: light brown
hair type:: hairy
height:: 5'5
your heritage:: not my problem
what's your middle name:: danger
shoes you wore today:: socks
your weakness:: being stabbed with knives
your fear:: it's so specific and intense that i will not reveal it. people on the internet can be so cruel
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no
do you want to:: well now that you mention it
goal you would like to achieve this year:: make it to next year
first thought when you wake up:: bwbbwbwbwbbbbb,....?
best physical feature:: eyes
who is your bestest friend:: you
when is your bedtime:: :(
your most cherished memory:: :)
pepsi or coke:: neither
mcdonalds or burger king:: mc dondalsd
single or group dates:: i haven't gone on either
what is the last song you sang:: lover, you should have come over
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: always
what is your biggest pet peeve:: transparent and translucent being mixed up
do you drink:: not telling
ever been drunk:: not really
do you smoke:: no
do you "SMOKE":: no
do you sing:: against everyone else's wishes
do you want to go to college:: yes
have you ever been in love:: yes
do you want to get married:: yes
do you believe in yourself:: sure, someone's got to
do you believe in others:: always
do you like thunderstorms:: so much
do you play an instrument:: "play" would be doing a lot of heavy lifting if i said yes
what do you want to be when you grow up:: grown up
what country would you like to visit:: i'd rather stay home
how many CD's do you own:: too many to count
how many DVD's do you own:: too many to count
how many tattoo's do you have:: none yet
how many piercings do yo have:: two -- or would i say one, since it's just your standard earlobe piercings?
how many things in the past do you regret:: :/


shoes:: docs
radio station:: that local one that you like
drink:: ice water (im healthy boy)
car:: bus
place:: home
song:: jigsaw falling into place
movie:: saw
moment:: that one
color:: orange
meal:: i musn't say


favorite eye color
:: anything
favorite hair color:: anything
short or long hair:: anything
height:: anything
body type:: anything
does ethnicity matter:: nope
piercings:: anything
tattoos:: anything


do you think you are attractive:: often
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: often

skipped the rest of these because i don't get any action

do you like to cuddle in general:: always


what is today's date
:: look at the calendar yourself
what time is it:: look at the clock yourself
who are you thinking of:: myself
what are you listening to:: my keyboard clacks
do you love someone:: i love everyone
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: no
does someone love you:: yes
is it raining:: no, i wish
are you happy::

1 Kudos


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