Toneia's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Survey stolen from the forum

1. Have you ever kissed someone? 
Yes one guy, he kept pressuring me so I craved and I wish I never did 

2. Have you ever made out? 

3. Have you ever been dumped? 
Nope, I never been in a relationship and I’ve never dated

4. Have you ever been in love with someone of the same gender as you? 
Nope, I’m straight as fuck. 

5. Have you ever wished you were the opposite gender? 

6. Have you ever traveled to another country? 
I wish, but no. 

7. Have you ever committed a crime? 
It’s only a crime if you get caught, so no

8. Have you ever lost someone you love?

9. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? 
Plenty of times

10. Have you ever cheated while playing a game? 
Yeah, but only computer games not live games

11. Have you ever cheated on a test? 
Yeah, but only one class ever in my life

12. Have you ever broken a bone? 
Nope, I drink way too much milk when I was little 

13. Have you ever made your parents cry? 

14. Have you ever cried over someone? 

15. Have you ever betrayed a friend? 

16. Have you ever lied to someone to not hurt their feelings? 
Yes, kind of

17. Have you ever self-harmed? 

18. Have you ever lied for popularity? 

19. Have you ever written a letter but never sent it? 

20. Have you ever stalked someone? 
No, but some ppl think social media is stalking, so yeah if you count that. But if it’s public info then I don’t think it’s stalking. Don’t post public if you don’t want people to know, that’s how I was raised

21. Have you ever been drunk? 

22. Have you ever cried in public? 

23. Have you ever felt uncomfortable in your own skin? 
Yeah, dissociating is a bitch

24. Have you ever dated someone from another religion? 
I never dated anyone

25. Have you ever met a celebrity? 
Yes, I meet plenty 

26. Have you ever fainted? 

27. Have you ever picked your nose in public? 
No, that’s just gross

28. Have you ever thought of suicide? 

29. Have you ever farted in public?
Never on purpose

30. Have you ever been to a concert? 

31. Have you ever thought your life to be boring? 
Yeah, I get bored easily

32. Have you ever lied to your parents? 

33. Have you ever fallen asleep while taking a bath? 
No, that’s dangerous

34. Have you ever skipped school? 
Yeah, but my mom always knew and let me

35. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? 
No, thank god

36. Have you ever hated on a celebrity? 
No, ‘cuz I don’t know them. I have disliked some of the the things they said and did with their power though

37. Have you ever wanted to change your name? 
Yeah, I have

38. Have you ever had your heart broken? 
Yeah of course

39. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours straight? 
All the time LOL

40. Have you ever thought of what people would say at your funeral? 
A book once told me to, but I’m not into that type of stuff

0 Kudos


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