Lainie's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Myspace Survery ^-^



name:: Misa Amane
nickname:: Misa Misa
how old are you:: 16 !!!
zodiac sign:: Capricorn
current location:: nunya
eye color:: brown ^-^
hair color:: Blonde!! (blondez have more fun lolz)
hair type:: Straight!!
hieght:: 5'5
your heritage:: ...complicated, but half white half unknown(don't know shit bout my dad...)
what's your middle name:: nunya businesssss
shoe's you wore today:: combat boots!! I wear them pretty much daily ^-^
your weakness:: light yagami !! weak in the kneez
your fear:: heights 
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: nope !!
do you want to:: ...kinda
goal you would like to achieve this year:: starting a band !!
first thought when you wake up:: fck I want to sleep in
best physical feature:: Eyes !! doe eyez for dayzzzz
who is your bestest freind:: RAZZ <3
when is your bedtime:: either midnight or 7pm no inbetweenz
your most cherished memory:: hmmm idk i have so many !!!
pepsi or coke:: cherry coke zero, the ONLY right answer
mc dondalds or burgerking:: neitherrr I don't like fast food ^-^
singel or group dates:: both!! I feel like it dependz on who you're with
what is the last song you sang:: yandere - jazmin bean
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: ABSOLUTELY
what is your biggest pet peeve:: people who smack their lips/acrylic nail clicking thing
do you drink:: nope lolz too young
ever been drunk:: maybe
do you smoke:: nooo
do you "SMOKE":: sometimes !!
do you sing:: YES I love it
what color underwear do you have on:: i am a minor
do you want to go to college:: not really ://
have you ever been in love:: YEAH
do you wnat to get married:: maybe? dependz on a lot of thingz
do you believe in yourself:: kinda
do you believe inothers:: dependz on the person!!
do you like thunderstorms:: YES
do you play an instrument:: a few, but my favoritez are the violin and the guitar ^-^
what do you want to be when you grow up:: A musician!!
what country would you like to visit:: uhhh idk, maybe Cambodia?
how many CD's do you own:: Uhh 30+?
how many DVD's do you own:: like 50
how many tattoo's do you have:: none!! but I want lotz
how many piercings do yo have:: 5!! double lobez and a septum
how many things in the past do you regeret:: too many


shoes:: black combat bootz, black heelz
radio station:: 102.1 !!
drink:: cherry coke zero
car:: beetlebug!!
place:: my bedroom
song:: can you feel my heart by bring me the horizon !!
movie:: eden lake
moment:: when the beat drops hard
color:: black, red, n purple!!
meal:: none !! i dont like food very much


favorite eye color:: brown !!
favorite hair color:: black/dark brown
short or long hair:: short!! 
height:: taller than me !!
body type:: any, but skinny guys r hot
does ethnicity matter:: nooo
piercings:: snakebitezzz
tattoos:: sleeves n back


do you think you are attractive:: Yeahhh!! i fit the beauty standard lolz
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: kinda? idk
would you like to be someones fantasy:: YES
hunter or hunted:: hunted ^-^
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed !!
a little or a lot of tongue:: little, my tongue gets tired easily
older or younger:: younger !!
lights on/lights off or candle light:: lights on
do you like to cuddle after:: yessss
do you like to cuddle in general:: YES


what is todays date:: september 12, 2022
what time is it:: 10:18 am
who are you thinking of:: light <3
what are you listening to:: rhinestone eyes - gorillaz
do you love someone:: yeah but he doesn't love me back so :/
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: nope
does someone love you:: I hope so!! I need options
is it raining:: nooo, it was earlier thou!!
how many myspace friends do you have:: none !! add me plz
are you happy:: Yeah !!


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