Name: echo
Age: 13
Month of Birth: august
Any siblings?: yea 2 half siblings
Parents still married?: yea :)
Any pets?: 4 dogs, turtle, and 1 cat
Hair color: brown wanna dye it red
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 6 1/2 womens
Any tattoos?: no but i want some
Any piercings?: my ear lobes but i want more
Any piercings?: my ear lobes but i want more
Current mood: numb ig
Current wardrobe choice: alt
What are you listening to?: devil town
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: a group call with a few friends
What do you currently smell like?: sunset glow bath and body works perfume
Movie you watched: black phone
Magazine you looked at: idk
Thing you ate: homemade macaroni
Book you read: pet semitary
TV show you watched: bates motel
Time you cried: yesterday
Time you showered: today
Letter you received: from my ex
Time you ate at a restaurant: idk
CD you bought: rob zombie
What is/was...
The best thing to happen to you today: I got food
Your most prized possession: A stuffed animal ive had since i was born
Your favorite quote: "monsters are are real, ghosts are to, they live inside of us and sometimes they win" -stephen king
Your bedtime (on average): 10pm-3am
Your best trait/characteristic: Idk
Your worst trait/characteristic: Idk
Do you...
Store things under your bed: yes, I have a loft bed
Daydream: Yea
Have a computer at home: Yea
Live in the city, suburbs, or country: Suburbs
Live in a house, apartment, duplex, or mobile home: House
Own a cell phone: Yes
Have a good luck charm: A choker I stole from spencers
Collect anything: Skulls :3
Attend highschool or college: middle school lol
Make good grades: Depends
Have you ever...
Had surgery: no
Had teeth pulled: no
Broken the law intentionally: yes
Ran away from home: Yes
Broke a bone: No
Cheated on a test/exam: Yes
Had a friend pass away: Yea-
Been issued a citation/driving ticket: no
Been in an auto/car accident: Yes
Lied to someone: yes
Been lied to: yes
Your favorite...
Place to be: my room or the park down the street
Place to visit: idk
Place to chill: The mall
Non-Alcoholic drink: Monster, dr. peper
Type of food: pizza rolls
Meal: tender loin
Dessert: key lime pie
Shampoo&Conditioner: Maui It helps my curls
Toothpaste: Idk
Salad dressing: I dont eat salad
Ice cream: Cotton candy
Fast food establishment: chick-fa-lay
Color: black, red, purple
Season: fall
Holiday: Halloween
Perfume/cologne: sunset glow
Video game: skyrim
TV Show: End of the f****g world
Smell: vanilla extract
Article of clothing: skirts/dresses
Book: pet cemetery
Children's Book: idk
Candy: kit-kats
Car: candy red 54' corvette
Do you believe in...
Karma: yes
God: yes i'm christian
Heaven/Hell/Purgatory: yes
Aliens: Yes
Ghosts: Yes
Horoscopes: Idk
Everyone around you: depends
Yourself: idk anymore
Your opinion on...
The death penalty:for rapists only
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: yea
Homosexuals/Transgenders in the military: YES
War in the middle east: no.
Schwarzeneggar...governor or terminator: idk what that is-
Current gas prices: way to high i dont even drive
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