People need to stop worrying about getting offended by everything. And it applies to both the left and the right. Leftists are too #woke and don't like anything that is even slightly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or anything like that. Not that I condone any of that shit, mind you. Hell, PETA says we shouldn't even use phrases like "Beating a dead horse" or "bringing home the bacon" because it's #Speciesist.
Meanwhile, RightWing #ChristianNationalists hate when people say anything bad about their beliefs. Hell, they think hearing the phrase #OhMyGod in movies or TV is offensive and should be banned, even though EVERYBODY says it. Same if you make jokes about white people, they'll call you anti-white. Even if you yourself are white(like myself), they'll just call you a #racetraitor.
The point it, you have the right to be offended. Or not. But there is a thing called #FreedomOfSpeech. You may not like what people say, but your rights don't trump(no pun intended) other people's rights. Americans are starting to become a bunch of #snowflakes.
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θΔ solar_system θΔ
why would I like anything bigoted?? like obviously I'ma get mad at someone being a bigot. also its freedom of speech, not freedom of consequence. very specific wording
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Common tate W
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