name:: Ryan
nickname:: Ry, Al, Alex
how old are you:: 18
zodiac sign:: Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Cancer rising
current location:: my bed XD
eye color:: brown
hair color:: dyed black
hair type:: straight
hieght:: 5'4"
your heritage:: Irish (dad's side), Jewish (mum's side)
what's your middle name:: Alexander Kieran
shoe's you wore today:: N/A
your weakness:: food, I love food
your fear:: being left behind :D
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: nope
do you want to:: sure!
goal you would like to achieve this year:: get a job and leave my dad's house
first thought when you wake up:: "I'm sleepy"
best physical feature:: my eyes or my nose
who is your bestest freind:: Haley <333
when is your bedtime:: I go to sleep whenever
your most cherished memory:: meeting my partners for the first time
pepsi or coke:: both, they taste the same to me
McDonald's or Burger King:: mcdonald's, only because i haven't had burger king in years and I forget what their food tastes like
single or group dates:: I'll do both!
what is the last song you sang:: I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: I think so, yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve:: when people don't close my door all the way when they leave my room.
do you drink:: when I can
ever been drunk:: yessirrrrr
do you smoke:: I vape
do you "SMOKE":: of course ;)
do you sing:: I love to sing
what color underwear do you have on:: green, Legend of Zelda undies
do you want to go to college:: I'm actually not sure, I hated school, but I want to get a degree in behavioural analysis.
have you ever been in love:: I'm currently in love <3
do you wnat to get married:: y e s omg
do you believe in yourself:: I try to
do you believe inothers:: sometimes, a little too much
do you like thunderstorms:: YES!!
do you play an instrument:: I've played trumpet since 11/12, then I moved to euphonium at 16, and I finished high school as a french horn/mellophone player
what do you want to be when you grow up:: I have no idea, man, and I'm 18 XC
what country would you like to visit:: Ireland!
how many CD's do you own:: only a few, sadly
how many DVD's do you own:: I've got lots of those, I'd say like 25+
how many tattoos do you have:: just one :/
how many piercings do you have:: 3, including my ear gauges
how many things in the past do you regret:: way too many
shoes:: my spiky gay boots
radio station:: 97.1 The River
drink:: Strawberry Kiwi juice
car:: '67 Chevy Impala
place:: my house or the mall
song:: omg, ummm... Deadly Conversations - Slaves
movie:: 13 Going On 30
moment:: finishing a marching band show, knowing I did fucking great
color:: teal, turquoise, mint
meal:: I will never turn down sushi, like ever
favorite eye color:: any!
favorite hair color:: any!
short or long hair:: either one!
height:: I don't care about height
body type:: I don't care about body type
does ethnicity matter:: no
piercings:: YES OMG
tattoos:: YES YES YES
do you think you are attractive:: fuck yeah, I do. I'm hot asf
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: nope, they both know and I'm dating them
would you like to be someones fantasy:: fuck yeahhh
hunter or hunted:: both, or either one
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed, it would be so weird to do it with your eyes open
a little or a lot of tongue:: y e s
older or younger:: either is fine
lights on/lights off or candle light:: doesn't really matter, my tv is always so it shines some light
do you like to cuddle after:: of course, who doesn't?
do you like to cuddle in general:: fuck yeah, I'm touch starved as hell
what is todays date:: 07/18
what time is it:: 3:26 AM
who are you thinking of:: my boyfriend <33
what are you listening to:: nothing atm
do you love someone:: YES!!
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: what
does someone love you:: yeah, I should hope so XD
is it raining:: no :(
how many spacehey friends do you have:: 19
are you happy:: right now, yeah <3
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