Lifetimes and Timelines

I've been recycled plenty of times, my love

I've been broken then taped,
I've been cracked then glued
I've been shattered then nailed

All by various different lovers
Ones you've made clear you aren't quite fond of
Each time I start over with someone new
And each time I've got less and less to offer
Yet, you still want me

I'm not exactly sure what keeps you here with me,
Because I won't lie I've got quite a bit of flaws,
And I believe you deserve someone flawless,
One as perfect as you
Someone who can give you the world 
While only I can assure you that you are mine

I wonder,
Just how many times
In different lifetimes and timelines
We've fallen in love like we have tonight
But only for it to be ruined by being pulled apart,
by reasons beyond our control

I want to have a life where I can admire you,
while you do the same for a painting hung before us,
This is exactly date 137
Or a life where I can be myself,
In a car on a road trip with just you and I
Singing and dancing
Appreciating every little perfection on your face
Whether is be the way your lips curve or the way your eyes squint

Proving to you that i remember little things about you is my love language
Its me telling you what you say, and what you do,
It matters so much to me and I want to remember it for a lifetime
I want you to know everything you say to me,
Every stupid joke
Every I love you
Every annoyed glance 
And every loving smile
It means everything to me, and i mean everything
Because you are my world and i want to be with you,
Whether thats in this timeline, or the next
Because I love you

Love is tedious yet quick
Its slow when you wanna be fast
Its fast when you wanna be slow 
So for now
We'll bare with it because being able to call you mine is worth all the hassle anyone could give me

4 Kudos


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