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Category: Books and Stories

Happy Birthday, K.

Sometimes my dreams are so vivid,

I believe if I tried to stay asleep,
I'd live there forever 

For some reason I can still hear it in my dreams,
His voice drowning out what's going on outside of my brain
I don't know why I remember it
It faded out quite some time ago

I hear it still,
But I'm skeptical of interacting with it,
I sounds like him but its not really him
Its a version of him I've made up in my head only to remind myself
Remembering the sparkle dull in his eye

Its hard to tell the difference between loneliness and feeling him
My brain has associated him with the feeling of being alone because thats where he left me
On purpose? Yes. With a clear mind? No.
The smell of burning clothes haunt me now.
The feeling of my clothes sticking to me,
The warmth of when it happened,
Then how it became so cold while I stared at you in disbelief 

White walls, Green sheets, Blue notebook.
I cant look at it,
Keeping you around is gutting me from the inside out,
Yet It hurts too good
I cant bring myself to put it all away
15, only 3 years
If only you stayed we could've had our apartment
Happy Birthday

6 Kudos


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