40 Fill In The Blanks!

1.My grandpa once: Had a couple of girls fight over him. That was my grandma and aunt.
2.Never in my life have I: ever liked heights. EVER.
3. When I was younger, I: loved fairytales so much.
4.High school was: not bad if you took the depression away
5.When I'm nervous: I will profusely apologize for existing
6.The last time I really cried was: over a damn dog video but it was cute, I swear
7.If I were to get married right now: I would want it to be incredibly gay
8.My hair is: an afro, actually
9.My feet are: not something people should be asking or knowing about
10.When I was 5: I was technically deaf
11.Last Christmas: I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away--
12.When I turn my head left: There's clowns.
13.When I turn my head right: Jokers are over there. (I'm stuck in the middle with you. Lmao.)
14.My life is not complete without: A constant thirst for knowledge
15.By this time next year: I hope to be a content creator and activist for mental health
16.I have a hard time understanding: why people indulge in ignorance
17.One time at a family gathering: my brother saved us from an alligator
18.Take my advice: never rush things unless your heart screams an immediate "yes"
19.My ideal breakfast is: Coffee, a banana, and oatmeal/healthier cereal, complete with water
20.If you visit my hometown: you will see the artistic talent that covers this entire area.
21.My friends are: the sweetest and most loving individuals ever
22.If you spend the night at my house: my dog will nibble your toes. the other will drive you nuts.
23.I would stop my wedding if: anyone challenged me to a duel with Yu-Gi-Oh! cards
24.The world could do without: Bitterness and trauma
25.I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: be associated with that former sick-o in chief.
26.The most recent thing I've bought myself is: Lip gloss and lotion
27.And, by the way: I can tell you anything about Overwatch lore
28.The last time I was high: I enjoyed silent streaming video games
29.In the past I shouldn't have been: so focused on love
30.Once, at a bar/club: someone walked in it
31.Last night, I: was flirting with a Pisces chick
32.If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would binge read
33.A better name for me would be: Ashe? Ashton? (I feel like I'm another Ashnikko at heart)
34.In the last 6 months: I've gotten mentally healthier
35.If I ever go back to school: it will be for a masters' or (post)doctorate in Physics
36.I bet you didn't know: I can speak 5 languages
37.I am: the happiest I've ever been
38.I read: horror/twisted shit, romance, and other things that grab my interest
39.Every birthday: I used to cry, but it's going to be different this year
40.I regret: I didn't start living sooner

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