Name: Cole
Age: 15
Taken or single?: taken!
Age rang for friends?: 13-17
Things you like to in your free time: drawing, roleplaying, playing mc
Homophobia, transphobia, p3d0s, racists, (the obvious)
Favorite song as in right now?: La Vie En Rose -Emma Watts
Song you are listening to right now?: Everywhere I Go, Hollywood Undead
What do you look like? (Optional): Blonde straight short hair with chest length framing pieces, blue/grey eyes, glasses, eyeliner
Style?: whatever im feelin
Irl friends that are on spacehey?: none
Sexuality?: pans!
Pronouns: any !
What do you wanna be when your older?: Anthropologist or geneticist
Things you should know about me!:
- I have lots of energy
-I loveee funky thinks and talk abt thing without a filter
-cant tell tone :<
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