Madie's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

ABC survey

A is for age:

B is for beer of choice?
Beer is nasty as fuck. I'm a fruity alcoholic bitch and I'm proud of it.

C is for career right now:
Customer Service Representative by day & Musician by night.

D is for your dog's name:
Taz, it's short for Tazmanian Devil.
E is for essential item you use everyday:
A hairbrush.

F is for favorite TV channel:
CW? If anything, I really don't watch much tv.

G is for favorite game to watch:
I honestly don't like watching people play games. I'd rather play them myself.

H is for Home town:

Grew up in a small town in Michigan. Now I live in Madison, Wisconsin.

I is for instruments you play:
I sing... does that count?

J is for favorite juice:

K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking:
I'm not that type of person but I did have a dream a few months ago where I threw wine in my ex-best friends face and it was awesome.

L is for last place you ate:
Back in October, me and my boyfriend Nick went to Shake Shack. That's the last time I've ate out as covid-19 cases has risen in Madison.

M is for marriage:
I've been in a committed relationship for almost 2 years. I can honestly see myself marrying Nick. His family is practically my own and vice versa. If you mess with any of them, I'll be there.

N is for your full first name:

O is for overnight hospital sleep-over stay:
I slept in a hospital twice. Once when I attempted suicide and once when my mom was in a coma.

P is for people you were with today:
My uncle, my dad, and my boyfriend for like an hour.

Q is for a quote:
"Music is life, that's why our hearts have beats"

R is for Biggest Regret:
losing touch with a lot of my friends as a child/teenager. I think I would've had some pretty bomb friendships.

S is for skateboarding:
Never did skateboard myself but I've always had a thing for gamer & skater boys/girls. I thought it was just a high school phase but nope.

T is for time you woke up today:

U is for underwear you have on now:

Pink undies.

V is for vegetable you love:

W is for worst habits:
I lose almost everything and then I find it 3-10 business days later.

X is for x-rays you've had:
Dental & back x-rays.

Y is for something yummy you ate today:
A sandwich shop from a local resteraunt. Yum. I wish more sandwich places had green sauce.

Z is for zodiac sign:
Virgo. Overall I'm a Virgo except I'm horribly unorganized.

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