Gods Save Roe

The fact that some folks wanna strip half the country of their human rights over their anatomy has got me fucking DOWN. 

I know I just disappeared for like a whole-ass year and I'm sorry about that. I really do dig this platform. The panini fucked me up. (Honestly, I was well on my way before that...)

But I'm back. And I'm more riled up than ever. 

I get that some folks don't like abortion. They are ALWAYS welcome to not have one. But restrictions on abortions, even the mildest, kill people. 

The procedure should always be one hundred percent between a pregnant person and their health care provider(s). 

While I wouldn't consider myself "pro-life", I am in favor of medicare for all, paid parental leave and, generally speaking, a much more family-friendly way of doing things. I am pro-sex ed and pro-contraception. 

I want to see families truly supported, not just lip service to the idea.

Also! I see people talking about being pro-family while somehow also being phobic: Newsflash! You don't get to define "family". Gay couples are families. Trans people are members of people's families. Being phobic towards queer folks isn't family-friendly, not to us queer folks. 

Everyone deserves bodily autonomy. 

I am gonna come back to this because I don't think folks see how forced-birthers and transphobes are related...

Well, let me assure that all people who attempt to police women's bodies are playing for the same team.

Everyone who loves a person with a uterus should be mad about this. Everyone.

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bellagrayxoxo's profile picture

pErSoN wItH a UtErUs?????

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