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Category: Life

I hate lying social climbers

Lmao so like I had this classmate back when I was in elementary. Let's call her "Becky" and I remember when she kept freaking lying. So like the first time I was her victim was when we were in the 3rd grade I think and I saw her crying at the entrance of the gate. Back then I was still innocent and super gullible as hell; I wanted to see if she was okay because I didn't like it when I saw my friends sad even if we weren't close. I asked her if she was okay since she was crying and she told me that a man was like mad at her or something ( basically everyone of my classmates knew I had like a small shop near school that my family owns and we'd sell like food and school supplies, so this beyotch knew we had like treats and stuff )so Becky was crying and telling me that if I didn't give her a "FREE ICECREAM" then the guy she mentioned earlier would like be mad and stuff, of course I was a freaking idiot to believe her crap and I felt bad for her. So I got her an ice cream for free (omg I am sooo sorry Dad) and the moment Becky had the ice cream in her hands that beyotch stopped crying, thanked me with a fake smile got up and left.


note: i'm the girl who has parents that hate giving away goods for free when it comes to business

After 3rd grade I didn't see Becky anymore so she probably transferred school until.....

Fast forward to the 8th grade, Becky came back and I honestly thought that she changed since last time she freaking lied we were still kids. Boy was I wrong. Miss Becky had the audacity to continue to lie but this time she was telling lies to almost anyone who talked to her. This time Becky was bragging about how she lives in 3 big houses in different place and all of them were mansions and stuff and she "explained" that her Grandma was the rich one in their family or something. This witch was telling lies again and the worse part was that I was dumb enough to fall for them again! >:( I gotta hand it to her though, she spoked with so much confidence that they seemed so real. But most of my classmates kinda felt like she was lying and I was one of the small group that really believed in her lies. 

The time when I got sus about Becky was when she was trying to catch a ride home and young me back then who wanted to be friendly to everybody I know asked her if she wanted to ride with us and drop her home. I thought it would be a cool idea since she mentioned that she has 3 houses and one of the houses she mentioned was right nearby my place so duh I wanted to help her get home cuz it was already late. It was weird how she was so hesitant and said no, she was acting in a less confident way so I knew something was up. After trying my best to persuade her we can take her home she said that she had to go to her cough cough "other" house. The next day of school I told my friend what happened and then she told me that apparently when she was in a group project with "Becky" they had went to her house for the  project. Becky didn't have 3 mansions, she lived in a simple house with some chickens and roosters kinda like a small farm (but there is nothing wrong with a simple home tbh) . There were no expensive cars and servants attending her. Becky was a huge liar. From that moment I realized it was best to keep my distance from that girl. In all honesty though, I really wanted to be her friend and not because she lied about a fancy life but I just thought she was pretty and cool to hang out with; I didn't really care if she was poor, middle class or rich honestly I'd be friends with anyone if they wanna. The thing that made me like her was how confident she was when she speaks and carries herself. But I guess it was a shame she lied most of the time. I kinda felt like she just wanted to escape reality and make up stuff so other people would believe in it cuz if others thought it was real probably made her feel like it was real I guess. But I knew I did the right thing not getting too close to her. She did have a problematic  personality. I remember she made my other girl classmate skip school to go to the mall. LOL they even shared a post that they were skipping class and they both got in big trouble. 

I have no idea where Becky is now though but I hope she is doing better and I hope she stopped with the lies. 

witch still never paid for that ice cream >:O


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