Legit don't do thisssssss..

I hate bitches who always think they are literally the "Nefertiti" of every single argument that THEY weren't even mentioned in. They always think it's their business to bush into a debate and just make it more chaotic. 

One of my stories includes a person named Person A and Person B. (For the safety of their information..) Person A was having a debate with me about who ripped up their essay (it was a SMALL debate,) all of a sudden Person B comes in going like "Yeah ???, maybe you ripped it up!!" Person B didn't even have any place in that debate, it pissed me off. Also, they were one of my enemies. I never wanted to work with them, talk with them nor even see them. They were like the most hated person in the place. The debate got so much worse to the point where it got both Person A and B suspended. And like, for a piece of PAPER? Of course they would "Super Smash Bros" melee for a piece of paper! That was literally a lead in to a digital dream that could've gotten Person A a good pass in amazing colleges. But.. Person B soon got expelled for causing more drama over those months. Karma is a bitch. 

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JokeFrogJester's profile picture

That sounds so annoying but god do I wanna be at that place now

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