-- T E L L US A B O U T Y O U R S E L F --
-- T E L L US A B O U T Y O U R S E L F --
name:: eddie
nickname:: i go my too many lol
how old are you:: 18!
zodiac sign:: cancer!
current location:: living room!
eye color:: brown
hair color:: also brown but its also dyed
hair type:: wavy when i take care of it
hieght:: 5'10!
your heritage:: white
what's your middle name:: nope haha
shoe's you wore today:: none so far
your weakness:: dilfs
your fear:: too many lol
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no
do you want to:: id probably hurt myself
goal you would like to achieve this year:: idk, probably to be outside more this summer
first thought when you wake up:: check twiiter
best physical feature:: idk, i guess me hairs okay
who is your bestest freind:: i dont really have any
when is your bedtime:: dont have one but i usually go to bed around 2:30
pepsi or coke:: either, doesnt matter to me
mc dondalds or burgerking:: mcdonalds
single or group dates:: i dont go on dates so idk
what is the last song you sang:: toxic by britney spears
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: yeah, if theyre good at it lol
what is your biggest pet peeve:: ppl sitting close to me
do you sing:: badly
what color underwear do you have on:: black
do you want to go to college:: yeah, i need to
have you ever been in love:: noo lol
do you want to get married:: maybe
do you believe in yourself:: i guess
do you like thunderstorms:: yes!!! favorite weather, but only when im inside and not caught in it
do you play an instrument:: i wish, i tried to learn piano at one point tho
what do you want to be when you grow up:: idk
what country would you like to visit:: ireland
how many CD's do you own:: a good bit lol
how many DVD's do you own:: wayyy to many
how many tattoo's do you have:: none yet
how many piercings do yo have:: four: ears twice and a septum
how many things in the past do you regret:: so so many
-- F A V O R I T E S --
shoes:: this pair of old black vans i have
radio station:: 80s i guess
drink:: vanilla dr pepper but only on special occasions
car:: idk, id like a truck
place:: ummm idk
song:: idk i guess 'i hate everything about you' by three days grace rn
movie:: dark shadows
color:: green!
meal:: steak
-- B E D S I D E M A N O R --
do you think you are attractive:: im not bad looking i dont think
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: if celebrities count
would you like to be someones fantasy:: no lol
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: open, idk why i just forget to close them
older or younger:: older
do you like to cuddle in general:: no, i hate being touched
-- R I G H T N O W --
-- R I G H T N O W --
what is todays date:: may.5.2022
what time is it:: 1:20pm
who are you thinking of:: billy hargrove <3
what are you listening to:: the it 2017 movie is on in the background
do you love someone:: fictional characters
does someone love you:: besides family no
is it raining:: no :/
how many spacehey friends do you have:: idk, not many
are you happy:: i guess
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