general survey!

Name: eddie :3
Age: 18!
Month of birth: june
Any Siblings?: nope
Parents still married?: hmmm,, i think
Any pets?: yes! two cats and a dog
Hair color: brown
Eye color: also brown
Shoe size: womens 11/mens 9
Any Tattoos?: i wish
Any Piercings?: ears twice and a septum
Current mood: good! 
Current wardobe choice: oh gosh, red/white/black flannel, markiplier shirt, and annoying orange pajama pants
What are you listening to? last song i listened to was toxic by britney spears XD
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: probably my mom
What do you currently smell like?: my room


Movie you watched: i watched some of 'my friend dahmer' didnt finish it tho but i want to
Magazine you looked at: i think it was a magazine at the store and the front page was the johnny depp thing
Thing you ate: well im drinking a mango monster rn so if that counts
Book you read: "i dont blame you" by sobato on ao3
T.v. show you watched: law & order SVU
Time you cried: idk, maybe like a week ago
Took a shower: day before yesterday
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): super long time since ive penpaled
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): last saturday for my grandmas birthday
CD you bought: idk, i havent bought any in a while

What is/was....

The best thing to happen to you today?: my pets! i love them a lot
Your most prized possession: my furbies, i have a few but they all mean a lot to me
You bedtime (on average): 2:30 am usually
Your best trait/characteristic: idk, i think im nice
Your worst trait/characteristic: i get aggressive easily :/ 

Do You....

Store things under your bed: yeah, ive got a ton of stuff under there
Daydream: yes, a lot
Have a computer at home: i have my laptop 
Live in the city, suburbs or country: country i guess
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: a house
Own a cell phone: yes, i have two cause i kept my old one
Have a good luck charm: no, not really
Collect anything: furbies, those button pins, stationary, knives

Have You Ever....

Had a surgery?: yes, a couple 
Had teeth pulled?: yeah, my baby teeth stayed in too long and grew cyst
Broke the law intentionally: i steal, so
Ran away from home?: no
Broke a bone?: no
Cheated on a test/exam: how are you supposed to pass if not? XD
Had a friend pass away: not that i know of
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: dont drive
Been in an auto accident: no
Lied to someone: yeah, all the time, its a problem
Been lied to: lol duh

Your Favorite....

Place to be: idk, my room i guess
Place to visit: this one hotel up north cause its got a pool
Place to chill: the park, i like being outside
Non-Alcoholic drink: soda, vanilla dr pepper
Alcoholic drink: i dont drink
Type of food: fucking pasta i love pasta
Meal/Food dish: steak
Dessert: those kinder chocolate bars
Salad dressing: ranch ig
Ice cream: chocolate!
Fast food establishment: mcdonalds ^^
Color: green! and purple 
Season: winter, i like the cold mostly
Holiday: christmas! and halloween
Perfume/Cologne: idk, theres this one body spray i use sometimes thats cookie scented
Video Game: minecraft! i have my own server! but i also like COD and the sims 4
T.V. show: stranger things, supernatural, law & order SVU
Smells: apple
Article of clothing: jackets!
Book: ah idk, i havent read anything but ao3 in a while lol
Candy: chocolate!

Do You Believe....

In Karma: i think so
In God: yes
In Heaven & Hell: yes
That aliens exist: yeah, i mean the universe is so big it'd be weird not to have a least one other planet with life
That ghosts exist: yes!
In horoscopes: no
In yourself: eh, idk

Your Opinion....

On the death penalty: sometimes
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: i think its stupid
On homosexuals in the military: most military guys are somewhat gay so
Current gas/fuel prices: i dont drive but gas companies are owned by individual ppl who suck

0 Kudos


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