Should I buy a harness and a leash and walk my cat? Any dangers to walking my cat?

I don't live in an area where there's stray cats, and my cat loves the outdoors. She frequently get's flea medicine, too, as well as vaccines and de-wormers whenever necessary. We live in an apartment complex so we don't have a back yard. While people own dogs here, I won't take her out when they're out, and I won't take her out for more than 5 minutes.

Any other concerns I should be worried about?


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chaotic Chaos

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walking outdoors exposes cats to unfamiliar scents they may find threatening, and to potentially frightening experiences, including dogs, strange people, loud noises and cars.
a cat’s natural instinct when stressed is to flee, and by walking them on a leash you are depriving them of the ability to do so. Walking your cat in the garden is likely to be pretty stress-free and safeif done correctly. However, walking them at a local park is likely to present many stressors, such as roaming dogs and traffic noise, it can be stressful for some cats especially when they can see or smell other pets. You can't walk most cats the same way you'd walk a dog.

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I see, that makes sense...

by thebiwhotries; ; Report