get to know me survey :3

★ A is for age - 16 :3

★ B is for beer of choice? - ewww none.. daquiris all the way !!
★ C is for career right now - in college rn but doing placements at a school :3
★ D is for your dog's name - no dogs :[ i have three cats tho, snowbelle, suki and babushka
★ E is for essential item you use everyday - PHONE
★ F is for favorite TV channel - comedy central or 4
★ G is for favorite game to watch - liek gameplays ??? fnaf :]
★ H is for Home town - stalker :P
★ I is for instruments you play - i used to play voilin before i was disabledddd XD
★ J is for favorite juice - orange and mango <33
★ K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking - my ex ^_^
★ L is for last place you ate - bedroom XP
★M is for marriage - in the future or 0_0 idk if i wanna be married
★ N is for your full name - my dead name is ugly
★ O is for overnight hospital stay - never surprisingly but the latest i stayed was midnight X3
★ P is for people you were with today - no onnneeee well family for like 2 seconds
★ Q is for a quote - the world would be so much better if people only used guns on themselves - jthm
★ R is for Biggest Regret - idk relly :3 not breaking up w my ex sooner ?
★ S is for relationship status - singlleeee and ready to mingle
★ T is for time you woke up today - 8:30am ?????
★ U is for underwear you have on now - black and comfy af :3
★ V is for vegetable you love - (i juzt sneezed lol) BROCCOLI is so good tee bee haych
★ W is for worst habits - biting my nails XP
★ X is for x-rays you've had - TOO MANY TO COUNT
★ Y is for something yummy you ate today - apple tart :P
★ Z is for zodiac sign - gemini ^_^

1 Kudos


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