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Category: Quiz/Survey

another myspace survey cuz im drunk and its 5:30 am

1. State your name:
⛧ Vex
2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
⛧ they had a list but if id been a girl charlotte was on the table
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
⛧ my rockstar cousins son
4. What was your first job?
⛧ groundskeeper at a preschool 
5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most?
⛧ grandmas ex husband 
6. Did anything embarassing happen this week?
⛧ got drunk in front of my parents
7. Do you miss your ex?
⛧ i miss being in a relationship more than i miss him and i miss being friends w him more than i miss dating him
8. Do you ever dream about your ex?
⛧ yea but i dream about like everyone ive ever met so thats not rly saying much
9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
⛧ black
10. How do you wear your makeup?
⛧ very dark or very bright, very messy, very heavy, no foundation or concealer EVER
11. What are some of your nicknames?
⛧ v, vexie
12. How many bedrooms are in your house?
⛧ 3.5
13. How many bathrooms?
⛧ 3.5 also
14. Do you have a job?
⛧ for another 10 days i do
15. Do you have a car?
⛧ dont even know how to drive
16. Do you think you will go to college?
⛧ already dropped out. never going back
17. Tell me what you think hate means:
⛧ lots of different things
18. What is your definition of ugly:
⛧ idk. like its based on ur actions i guess
19. What is your definition of beauty:
⛧ lots of different things. i see it every day in all the people who come into the store
20. Do you have muscles?
⛧ some but not as much as i used to
21. How about abs?
⛧ god no i dont hate myself that much
22. Do you work out every week?
⛧ never ♡
23. Did you brush your teeth this morning?
⛧ yes
24. Name a fact that you think is bullshit:
⛧ idk like. everything :)
25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullshit?
⛧ ive seen fool us but idc about them
26. Do you like Obama?
⛧ no hes a politician and a war criminal 
27. Did you like Bush?
⛧ no hes a politician AND a republican AND a war criminal
28. Something about your neighbors that you hate:
⛧ idk any of my neighbors 
29. Something about your neighbors that you like:
⛧ lady across the street has the spare keys to my house hidden near her front door so if i get locked out i can get it n let myself in w that
30. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party?
⛧ yea but the guy who hosted it was a cop
31. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
⛧ no
32. Have you ever held hands with someone of the same sex?
⛧ yea
33. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
⛧ board shorts + tank top
34. Do you like your eyes?
⛧ very much
35. Do you think you are pretty?
⛧ the prettiest
36. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot?
⛧ no such thing as an ugly girl
37. Have you ever called someone fat?
⛧ no
38. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger?
⛧ no i dont interact w ppl in public
39. Are you a bully?
⛧ no
40. Have you ever called a complete stranger fat before?
⛧ no cuz im not a piece of shit
41. Do mean people lack a soul?
⛧ idk if souls are real soooooo
42. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you?
⛧ duh
43. Have you ever practiced witch craft?
⛧ again. duh.
44. What do you think of Satanists?
⛧ one of my besties is a satanist
45. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you?
⛧ ???
46. Do you believe in hexes?
⛧ idk man i dont even go here
47. Do you believe in vampires?
⛧ no :(
48. Who was the last person you cussed at?
⛧ i dont keep track. i swear at ppl all the time
49. Do you have a jacuzzi?
⛧ no but my dad wants to get one
50. How much money is in your pocket right this moment?
⛧ theres some loose change in my coat rn but im not wearing anything w pockets so $0.00
51. How much money is in your checking account?
⛧ less than is in my savings account
52. How much is in your savings?
⛧ more than is in my checking account
53. Are you well off?
⛧ for now yea but i wont be after i move out of my parents house
54. Do you have kids?
⛧ no thank god
55. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)?
⛧ never and id kill myself before having them
56. What do you think of people on welfare?
⛧ what is there to think? they deserve more
57. If we had a war over a tax on tea, why the hell have we accepted a tax on everything else?
⛧ cuz the war wasnt over the taxation it was over taxation without representation u fucking dumbass
58. Are you smart?
⛧ incredibly so
59. Did you ever get left back in school?
⛧ no
60. How many times have you gotten after school detention?
⛧ never
61. How many times have you gotten in school suspension?
⛧ never
62. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for?
⛧ no but i wasnt allowed to go for like a week until i got a note from a therapist that i was safe
63. What is your worst subject in school?
⛧ gym
64. Tell me what your back pack looks like:
⛧ dont have one
65. Who is the ugliest person in your school? Based on 'the inside':
⛧ not in school
66. Who is the happiest person you know?
⛧ girl i went to school with
67. Who is the loudest perosn you know?
⛧ dad
68. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?
⛧ me ♡
69. What celebrity do you think is hot?
⛧ jake gyllenhaal
70. Did you read Twilight?
⛧ no smeyer is racist
71. Last movie you saw in theatre:
⛧ the batman
72. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
⛧ single rn
73. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
⛧ dont know for certain but i wouldnt be surprised 
74. Have you ever cheated?
⛧ never
75. Have you ever flirted with someone online that you never met?
⛧ yes
76. Have you ever met with someone you met online?
⛧ not yet
77. Have you ever been mean to someone just to make yourself feel better?
⛧ nah
78. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person?
⛧ i drink too much 
79. Have you been honest?
⛧ yea
80. Have you ever done drugs?
⛧ just weed

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MAX's profile picture

you dont mind if i repost this with my own answers do you?

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yea go for it! i found it on an old blog dedicated to myspace surveys so its not mine to begin with

by Frankie; ; Report