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Category: Blogging

little life update

hello friends! the way it's looking, i'm thinking i'll be able to move into an apartment this december FINALLY. finding a place to live around here in my town is an absolute nightmare. with the weather dropping in temperature, i've been living at home. i love living in my car so much, BUT i do live in northern michigan where it starts to get very cold at night, and starts averaging about 50-70 degrees [farenheit] during the day even; which i'm not really complaining about, i LOVE fall weather :) while i could of course manage my car during the colder weather, being in my actual room with bath and body works candles burning [paris café and pumpkin pecan waffles are my personal favorites, HIGHLY recommend!] while i lay on an actual mattress sounds a lot cozier during the cold weather lol

i don't think i mentioned it before on here, but i didn't leave home bc it was unsafe, it was just very overbearing at times. it's pretty simple, i'm 20 years old, i need independence, and living out of my car never sounded like a horrible idea anyways! before covid, i was pretty much on my own living on college campus, and the independence is just something i need. living in my car has taught me a lot about myself.

i hope you're all doing well! i may start writing more, i do copy a lot of my journal entries onto this computer in case i ever lose my actual journal, but those are private since i'm sure no one would be actually reading them or caring lol. there's been times where i've even considered doing little video blogs, but i don't think anybody will care much for those either hahah. but who knows? maybe i'll make more public posts soon.. hmmm

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