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Category: Books and Stories

Just Light

I feel euphoric

Relieved even

Experiencing this feeling after so long

After being starved from this feeling

I feel like a flower

One that knows not how the sun feels on it’s petals

But how it feels to wilt and wither

I've always loved the smell of petrichor

But you can't have petrichor with no light

No brightness

No heat

No sun 

Sitting in a corner

Staring through the window

Watching as a ray of sunshine fills the room

Until a cloud drifts into view and ruins the moment

My euphoric moment

My moment of euphoria

Obtaining something you’ve longed for is an amazing feeling

But having it ripped away from you is the worst

So naturally, you’re protective of it

No matter how protective 

How careful

How gentle

It’s always ripped away

But once again

I’ve gotten my salvation of light 

It’s like no other

I do hope and pray

That this ray lasts

No rain

No clouds

Just light.

6 Kudos


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𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗's profile picture

The way you write is amazing, and shows passion and meaning I do have a request:
1. Write more
2. The poem is about being happy in the beginning and having someone (your Dad) take that away from you and still have some light or hope (Your closet friend Arden) or just some silver lining to believe in. Add more details, when you explained the true meaning of the poem I re-read it and everything unfolded and everything all formed into one and it all hit deeper on a bigger level, in other words, it had a Bigger Impact. So add more details not all poems need to be small.

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(1 I meant like write more poems I love them)

by 𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗; ; Report