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On the Politics of Bourgeois Science

On the Politics of Bourgeois Science

Science contains many intellectual pitfalls created by political affiliations within the society in which scientists operate. There are occasions when science keeps the same names of things after an incorrect understanding of it is overthrown by a correct one. Sometimes it's clearly politically motivated and sometimes it's unconscious. Overall, a social weakness of scientists is the nonsense belief in academic disconnectedness or impartiality from politics. This is a story about the political rebranding of Genes and Atoms.

Science and Class

Firstly, there is a difference to note with respect to science as a whole. Science as a method is not in question. But science must be performed by scientists who are not separate from this political world, complete with class oppression, power imbalance, social relations and political motivations. The ruling class decides what science gets funding, what science is acceptable to teach, how the philosophy of science is allowed to interpret the theories and findings of science, what scientific findings can be published and in which journals. If the ruling class are bourgeois, we find that science is restricted to bourgeois premises, which are the object of this article. If the ruling class have turned from liberalism to fascism, much of science tends to be destroyed such as the Nazi book burning of the German Sex Institute research. If it's a time of truly ruling monarchs, "science" as such barely exists and is only allowed to take on static, metaphysical character, such as alchemy (Copernicus' Heliocentrism and St. Thomas Aquinas' "Realism" are examples). Finally, if the rulers are the proletariat or a proletarian party (such as Communists), then science takes on a modern materialist character and prohibits things such as eugenics.

Bourgeois Science Revolution

At the time when the bourgeoisie were rising and feudalism was in sunset (18th century), the Revolutionary Bourgeoisie successfully challenged the old idealism of monarchist metaphysics. A brief and clumsy understanding of monarchist ideology is that nothing truly changes other things. In other words, only spirit or ideas causes change and causes each change. And that the absolute spirit (or "God" to some) is also the absolute idea. Thus religion and the institution of Church were the justifying ideology for the system of monarchy, and thus feudalism. These metaphysics were an acute obsession with enumerating every property of a thing, the final culmination of which was the study of the world as alchemy. But because all metaphysical and idealist understandings of the world ultimately contain an internal contradiction, they are all seeded with their own downfall. Religious ideology was eventually challenged by the rising bourgeois class (from merchants) by way of "science". This is not the science you or I are intimately familiar with. Bourgeois science is an ideology based on the premises:

  1. Things can change and change other things externally.
  2. Things have an internal state that never changes.
This had a flaw versus religion, namely that if matter can only be moved by other matter, metaphysics still hangs around, since you still need to distinguish things as separate and not connected. This means it cannot fully negate the premises of religion, particularly that bourgeois science requires a "Prime Mover" (First Mover) which is supposed by the religious to be a monotheistic God, but nevertheless this is an uninterested and lesser version of God than religion's highly involved and personal deity.

Thus, bourgeois science concludes from its premises: only the form of things change while their content remains the same. It rejects qualitative changes and upholds quantitative change alone. And bourgeois science requires that all opposites must evolve and unify gradually, that they reconcile but not struggle. Their final expression is summed up in the notion that all matter is an unchanging, indivisible kernel that can move all other matter—The "Atom".

Mechanism and the Atom

Despite the name, bourgeois "Atoms" of the revolution that brought feudalism low were not today's atoms. The bourgeois came to call their understanding of the world "materialism" but it is disconnected from our modern materialism. Our understanding of atoms are codified in Atomic Theory as an internal set of principles, and come from an uplifted modern materialism. Their "materialism" was yet more idealism—mechanist materialism. They believed all change is gradual—that no "leaps" ever happen and no new qualities ever develop—everything you can observe was always there in an invisible capacity to them.

To a bourgeois scientist, an animal is only a sack of chemicals which are only a conglomerate of atoms. This is flawed because chemical composition interactions alone cannot tell you anything about the unique interactions at the animal level (predation, herbivorousness, migration, etc). They have "killed" the animal in their study, by imposing a gradual and de-leveled understanding. Likewise, chemicals cannot be exclusively understood only by the motion of atoms. Any organic chemist would deem it irresponsible to reductively assert we can understand Caffeine by looking at the composition of protons, neutrons, and elections. That is a dangerous and alarming practice!

"Mechanistic" describes the gradual way in which the bourgeois scientists saw the world as merely a machine. If matter can only be moved by outside matter, then everything is merely a cog that fits into a larger machine. This is supposedly a kind of "materialism", though it differs very little from idealism in the last analysis. Together, the core of bourgeois science is "mechanistic materialism". The mechanistic doctrine is the (wrong) idea that things do not move or change internally, that they only move through external contradictions. Here, "contradiction" in the philosophical sense doesn't only refer to logical contradiction but actual contradiction, as in "opposed through action". This is part of Hegel's (and later Marx's) solution to Kant's antinomies.

"Internal" refers to the scope or level of inquiry. The modern (dialectical) materialist understanding tells us that things move according to internal change (philosophically: internal contradiction). What exactly counts as internal? It is whatever science's inquiry must develop to deal with qualitatively new interactions, such as "animal science" to understand animals not as bags of chemicals but as living beings with patterns different from the chemicals that make them up. This "leap" from the chemical world to the vital world is governed by new laws, though patterns from "lower" levels still persist (entropy is basically at all levels). Rule of thumb: you're dealing with a leap to a new internal system when something has new abilities, or new power to interact with the world it couldn't before, that a previous theory could not explain.

One internal contradiction that's easy to understand is radioactive α-decay: An atom loses mass and atomic number (becoming a qualitatively different atom) through the quantity of the atomic number (proton-electron pairs) on the electromagnetic-force side, and the quantity of the nucleons on the strong-force, related and changed through the asymmetrical weak-force. Once a specific measurement is reached, which is random but follows the node where these two opposing quantities meet, the atom emits a chunk called alpha, and becomes qualitatively different, all according to its internal working.

So scientists now know atoms change over time & gradual change leads to leaps. After the understanding of the idealist atom was qualitatively uplifted to a materialist atom, science did not clarify this to regular folk. We are taught in schools only that some scientists were "wrong" or that our knowledge grew "gradually" out of many proposed models of the atom before. But this simply isn't true! Science (as a system of social relationships of scientists) created a new philosophical interpretation of what was really happening and this leap gave us new understanding. That leap was never acknowledged. Now we have pitfall traps for everyone who wants to engage with philosophy of science.

Bourgeois Genetics

Western "genetics" Theory was developed before the discovery of DNA structure. I specify structure here for the reason that Science (the social relation, not the method) today has attempted to wash the ugly history of DNA by incorrectly linking it further back in history with old genetics. These "genes" were an unchanging irreducible granule of matter in all life that carried their essence. That doesn't sound like today's genetics! It sounds exactly like bourgeois atomic philosophy. And that's what the genetic theory of the 1800s-1950s were—bourgeois mechanistic study of atoms. Remember that bourgeois science does not allow leaps. This "genetic" explanation of inheritance (as we know it today) was not conceived of as a qualitatively new level that chemicals could operate at within the animal and human world. If you're paying attention so far, you can probably predict these "genes" were discrete atomic granules that never change, but change or move the form of the plant or animal they are inside.

My personal opinion is atomic genes would've been acceptable to the then-lowered status of religion, as it validated the "soul" on the face of it. As a reminder, they were already socially lowered to the point of accepting a disinterested deistic God over the personal God of old. It is not much of a stretch to think some religious figures might proclaim genes prove the soul.

Gregor Mendel's (1866) findings on dominant and recessive traits (dubious validity) were what later became the "genetics" widely used in the 1900s western world, and the basis of the "science" of eugenics (1883). Pre-DNA genetics and eugenics are historically inseparable from one another. They are both foundationally the same thing and in fact, eugenics are simply the conclusion of atomic genetics. That is to say, eugenicists took atomic genetics as their premise and simply carried them out, not that "eugenicists" and "geneticists" are actually separate people. In fact, one of the political tricks of today is to group certain scientists as "geneticists" (good) and others as "eugenicists" (bad), as if to imply there was no crossover within the discipline. On the contrary to what students are taught in American high schools, eugenics aren't use of a correct Theory in an unethical way, it was an incorrect Theory carried to its logical and incorrect social conclusions. Theories and Science (the social structure) do not exist outside of history, politics, and social relationships of the whole society. Science itself took on the exactly expected class character of its time.

Far from being a small, dark outlier, genetics (so-called eugenics) were the norm, even well-past their peak. The Immigration Act (1924, USA) used the rationale of genetics to label some human heritages as inferior and set immigration limit quotas on them. The institution of Science today politically attempts to salvage this dark history by claiming this was just misuse of Theory. But unlike the atom and hydrogen bombs, this was not a an instance of socially irresponsible politicians misusing a correct scientific Theory. Since the beginning of the capitalist revolution, bourgeois science has worked closely with the bourgeois ruling class to develop theories (and weapons) to use for their class interests. Genetics wasn't "smeared" as eugenics—it is eugenics. The popular term "eugenics" simply refers to a bourgeois science movement which partially fell out of fashion (1913) for genetics and moved to another kind social eugenics, "Behaviorism". The incorrect kernel of atomic genetics persisted in western academia well into the 1940s even after the supposedly separate eugenics fad fell!

Because genetics used the "unchanging atom" (or granule as they called it) theory of bourgeois mechanism, the lifeform only changed in form but the gene itself stayed the same. Thus a "genetic disease" was inescapable in your heritage. Thus you're inferior! It should be obvious at this point how the atomic interpretation of genetics naturally leads to the conclusion that some people are inherently inferior. It's not simply that people who are essentially racist decided to misuse genetics and falsely identify race using faux "science". Race, as any other apparent "biological" phenomena with social consequences is in fact social at its core. Bourgeois genetics could not tell us that, only modern science. We can see that atomic genetics, with discrete unchanging units, logically concludes some people are simply tainted and should never reproduce because their genetic diseases ("inferiority") will muddy the collective human genome. It was incorrect theory, not misused.

Bourgeois genetics tells us the form you see is incidental to the immutable genetic core, yes, but it also invites all manner of false causality of any socially perceived inferiority to be ascribed to an immutable core. This goes both ways, so today's "bad race" is tomorrow's model minority! In both cases, the internal core is essentialized and unchanging, only the interpretation has changed. And both are race-essentialist. So instead of making a social or political mistake of racism, for which society could change and move beyond some day, it actually sets up racism now and forever, along with every other biological essentialism (sex, gender, race, Down's, baldness, etc) which actually depend on social relations. None of this denies a biological component to the human body. That would obviously be insane. The core problem goes back to how the bourgeois mechanistic atom as inherently unchanging, thus "genetics" cannot change with heredity. Maybe your social interpretation of what it represents can change, but that works both ways. It always falls back to reaction during a time of liberal crisis, inviting fascists to purge "undesirables".

Scrubbed History

Equating geneticists prior to the 1950s with DNA scientists and true heredity scientists is an exercise in stolen valor. DNA scientist Oswald Avery proposed that "DNA" (still wrong in its details) is the transforming principle of heredity (1944). Not for nothing, Avery is the one who discovered DNA is an acid by reducing bacteria of all carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, then to his surprise there was a substance left over to study. Geneticists did not subscribe to "heredity" nor that biology changes in content. The "heredity" of yesterday's geneticists strictly meant transmission of a gene to offspring. Like placing a ball bearing inside a sack, with no change.

Today, we understand that heredity is a summation of all characteristics and potentialities from the entire ancestry of an individual, which inherently implies a change and even partial negations or appearances of things from anywhere in the past (some human babies are even born with monkey-like tails). Today, the institution of Science lumps olden geneticists with DNA science, yet atomic geneticists of Avery's day ignored this line of research as it contradicted theirs!

Rosalind Franklin discovered the correct structure of DNA in 1953. History has of course been re-written to either exclude her (to validate the wrongful award of Nobel Prize to Watson and Crick) or to minimize her as a "contributor" to the field of DNA, despite her own structural papers showing the double helix pattern in 1951 when W&C still used an incorrect triple helix. Understand that all prior structural conceptions of "DNA" (or "nuclein") were wrong until Franklin's photograph 51 showed evidence of the correct structure. Here we see a blatant attempt to wash the history of DNA research into:

  • The people who supposedly "discovered" it (great man theory)
  • A gradual process of slowly evolving knowledge in unbroken continuum
For our purposes, it isn't as important who discovered the first correct understanding of DNA (Franklin)—though bourgeois science insists on hiding or minimizing the history for its own agenda—it is to demonstrate how knowledge develops gradually only until it cannot anymore, then it either hits a dead end or encounters a breakthrough. A breakthrough understanding (or "leap" or revolution in dialectics) is the elevation of knowledge from a lower level to a higher one. In this case, from a bourgeois mechanist understanding of the fundamental building blocks of living things into the modern materialist (dialectical materialist) understanding. At the level of truly understanding the structure of DNA, we can discover completely new things in a totally different qualitative field than ever before. We now know that DNA takes on different helical shapes such as A-DNA, B-DNA, and Z-DNA. This is not even possible to quantify until the physical structure of DNA is understood with photographic evidence. Before, science only knew the makeup and quantities of that makeup of DNA. Now, we understand the different qualities (chirality, helical shapes, sections, epi-genetics etc).

Modern science has breakthroughs all the time, where the knowledge of the field is uplifted from the older version. Metaphysical alchemy of the feudal era went into revolution as chemistry in the bourgeois science era. But after the completion of the Mendeleev table and understanding of how quantum physics interacts with atoms, chemistry underwent a socialist revolution to today's understanding. But because bourgeois mechanism says all knowledge evolves gradually with no leaps, they falsely claim the today's "DNA" to atomic "genetics". It should be obvious how this is stolen valor. The very field of DNA research was revolutionary and genetics were reactionary. They are in total contradiction to one another and genetics died in sunset.

Today's "genetics" are a completely different conception. In fact, today's genetics are a subset of DNA study. Discovery of today's DNA disproved the original conception of bourgeois "genetics" (an idealist eugenics). Therefore, the failure of Science (the institution) to clarify genetics as false in a new theory should be considered academic fraud. I do not make this claim lightly. They have rebranded a fundamentally incorrect and reactionary theory called "genetics" as legitimate and compliant with DNA. This would be like calling chemical reactions "alchemy" after the whole field of alchemy was overthrown. This boldfaced lie continued to intensify in Cold War politics, as the US and UK regularly made assertions that Soviet biologists were science-deniers for banning pre-DNA genetics study. In fact, it was the west who were denying science by refusing to come clean about their eugenicist theory being overthrown!

Now we understand "genes" not as the old atomic granules that carry some immutable essence, but as a (sometimes arbitrary) section of DNA which encodes from heredity and can change in individuals. Furthermore, we even have an epi-genetics that determine which sequences of DNA (genes) are allowed or negated, partially or wholly, from recent or long-past ancestry. So anyone from 70-140 yrs ago denying "genetics" looks like a crackpot to us today only because of successful marketing and political control of education. But they're not crackpots, they're right.

Who's the Real Crackpot?

Despite scientists working tirelessly and obtaining breakthroughs for our understanding of biology, even today we have a totally wrong and eugenic understanding of the next DNA-level: chromosomes. Chromosomes are split into two types:

  1. Autosomes: These are self-paired and are the majority of our DNA, most of which describes various species (including human and non-human), some of which is inactive
  2. Allosomes: These are unpaired strands that come in two basic varieties. Both encode a bulk bin of differing traits of heredity

Even though Allosomes encode more than "sex" characteristics, and don't encoding any discrete sex binary, High School biology calls them "sex" chromosomes and unscientifically reduce the outcomes of them to "male" and "female". Schools and even some colleges are still mostly run by an elite ivory tower of bourgeois idealogues. In the 1960s and 1970s, a great academic purge began which forced out any political or social science people and ideas that contradicted the interests of U.S. imperialism or bourgeois ideology. Biology, anthropology, economics, social studies, and similar fields were almost entirely purged of any Marxist, radical, "leftist", or otherwise non-hegemonic study or findings. This is why your high school or even college science textbook led us all astray. The bourgeois conception of science not only wrongly sexes allosomes but also wrongly ascribes them gender characteristics.

The idea that allosomes are somehow for determining "sex" (which is also somehow a binary outcome) is not only wrong, it's crackpot. It is not only willful and harmful ignorance in the face of evidence to the contrary, it is not only a failure of scientific institutions to self-criticize their biases and social conceptions (that they project onto the findings), it's worse. When allosomes were discovered to be two different types, they were labeled X and Y. Immediately, magazines, TV, radio, and lecture halls were filled to the brim with childish gossip about how these X and Y chromosomes must be indicative of human sex. The tragedy of the story is that many researchers did not only bring their prior conceptions into the study, thus retarding the study in the entire field for the past 80 years, they also fed off these magazines and polemics for new inspiration!

Scandalously, the feminists of that day used these wrong conceptions of DNA buckets (chromosomes) to champion woman supremacy to the point that even some staunch misogynists "admitted" women win this battle. How absurd! This is utter crackpot nonsense. And yet it took until only a decade or so ago until part of the field was able to critique these misconceptions and begin to understand allosomes as genderless, and that "sex" is not a definite biological function but in fact just a collection of biology which has social definiteness. Any more on this topic would be exhaustive and require its own article. Since we are currently within the revolution of chromosome understanding, most will not be satisfied by this explanation and will want more details. That must wait for another time. The takeaway from this section is how virulently reactionary much of the very political institution of science has been, especially with regards to class, gender, race, and the reality of innate change.

I personally am now almost fully convinced western history did Trofim Lysenko dirty in this regard. I have read his work and the work of his contemporaries, the "geneticists". It's clear to me "genetics" were rebranded in such a vile manner as to be an academic fraud. Under the banner of "progress", each thing was renamed, each disproved hypothesis ignored, each eugenicist and geneticist given a place next to modern scientists. Not only is it a dirty trick narrative to claim Lysenko denied science by banning genetics, there are many more western claims of his beliefs that are obvious lies Lysenko's own writing disproves.

While Lysenko obviously could not get everything right (what scientist does?), he certainly did not "reject Darwin". On the exact contrary! He added to Darwin's bourgeois mechanistic evolution, a correct (now used today) revolution of heredity. Our own botanists still use his grafting technique for planting trees in foreign soil. There are other dirty tricks such as today's definition of "species" being different than that of Lysenko's time. We now use one much closer to the way he did, whereas geneticists used a definition of species that was mechanistic and pure Darwinism. No scientist who makes actual progress today in the field of biology uses pure Darwinism. Darwin gave biology a tremendously successful—yet incomplete—Theory. But that is the tale as old as science! An incomplete theory means more work to be done.

If you doubt me that Lysenko was largely politically smeared by the anti-Soviet, pro-Eugenics West, read him for yourself like I did. You do yourself a disservice if you just read Wikipedia, western polemics, imperialist media sources, bourgeois academic journals, and not his actual work. Maybe you will read it and have a different conception, or disagree with my understanding; maybe I made a mistake in my research. But you can't know until you do the reading. Any claims otherwise are dishonest.

Heredity and Its Variability [PDF]

Lysenko State of Biology address (p.11) [PDF]

New Developments of Biological Species [PDF]


Science (the institution) and scientists are far from immune to politics. They are far from exempt of taking on a class character. The majority and hegemonic institutional science takes on the ruling class character. And in much of the world, the ruling class is still the bourgeoisie. My utmost appreciation and admiration goes to all revolutionary scientists who engaged in the tougher struggle, who did not opportunistically cow to bourgeois ideology. My hope lies with the scientists of socialist countries such as China, Cuba, and the People's Korea just to name a few.

4 Kudos


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