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Category: News and Politics

the public school is spying on you

ok so i knew this for a while ago since i was there when they introduced ipads into the schools as a teaching tool so what happened with the ipad? well they took mine to remove non school approved apps they held it hostage for a week facebook is a school approved app and was on that ipad (probably because they couldn't remove the bloatware either as there where a ton of other bloatware apps on that thing that visiting the site on the school computer could get you in trouble) that week that they where doing stuff on that ipad my facebook was logged in 24/7 even when i wasn't logged in didn't have it opened in the background on any device i was getting reports of my status on facebook being active in fact theres an old post on that old account where i called them out (i don't have access to that account anymore and the post was set to friends only so unfortunately i dont have the link for you) my account status reflected when i was online and offline again when i got it back (you better believe i wiped that thing before i handed it back at the end of the year) mind you they knew everything we did on their network as it is when those ipads where connected to the school wifi they could see everything we where doing on them the year after that i transferred to northwest which was set to adopt ipads the year after i graduated so why do i say all that? i mean it sounds kinda conspiratorial and almost paranoiac when you hear that story i mean what would the school want to know what the kids attending are posting to their facebook friends for? (i mean i have a few possible answers to that) well i have definitive proof now what you are about to hear is actually worse cause at least with the ipad it was only while the ipad was on school grounds (and the snooping when they where holding it to do things to it) but this is 10x worse this is making kids install spyware onto their own personal devices (timestamp 10:17 in case for some reason it doesn't play at the right spot this is from a reddit video on R/a*sholedesign) i mean that's creepy and a complete violation of not just kids privacy but parents privacy as well and it should be illegal and in fact it would be illegal if it was a private school but these are public schools meaning that it's probably not the schools doing it's likely the governments doing it's the NSA all over again using the school system as the vehicle thats right schools aren't just indoctrinating kids to be obedient slaves to the government they are also spying on us both the kids and their guardians for the government

added: while i was searching for the background image i found this article by the guardian that confirms that schools are at the very least spying on kids (i haven't read the article so i have no idea if they're trying to spin it as a good thing but i can defiantly tell you any breach of privacy is never a good thing especially when it's done without consent i don't recall consenting to western high school to snoop through my ipad i guarantee to these parents did not consent to have spyware installed on their devices)

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henry6's profile picture

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Chad's profile picture

Definitely a lot of suspicious activity. College Board's new APClassroom website has some malicious software that was required for testing. Locked screens and turned on cameras and such. I dont know shit about the laws against this but it's definitely a tad bit immoral.

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Taylor Watson

Taylor Watson's profile picture

What do you think that only our schools are spying on us? now you are wrong. we are getting spying by everyone and every time. Everything we do on social media and even what we do inside of our houses is keep recording by artificial intelligence. I wrote an article on CIPD assignment writing and did research on AI and got to know that With the increasing of AI technology, we are getting insecure and our lives now losing privacy.

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not sure where i asserted it was only the schools cuz that's certainly not my belief i even mentioned the NRA thing showing that my belief is not that it is only the schools i am proposing however to minimize the breach of security school choice private schools would not be allowed to do such a thing public schools get away with it because they do it for the government the more we can minimize the spying the further we get away from orwells 1984

by andrew covell; ; Report

dude my sister just went and bought an entire laptop because the school-provided ones have a bunch of spyware that lets the school see what the students that have them are doing, even after they've gotten home. while a lot of different things are spying on us all the time, the fact that schools can just do this OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL should be illegal.

by xX_cl0ckw0rkc0rv1dae_Xx; ; Report


firecat's profile picture

They been spying on people since 2008, back then students would willingly download spywere like the ones you find in freelancing job programs. Everything from what you type to your actions inside the computer where recorded.

A lawsuit was file after the school used webcams to spy on kids:

Another article looks deep into a company that is charging students for failing a test:

This does not stop with collage, kids in pre-k through 12 are also getting spyed. The best example is Zoom program that is known to record information and sell it to other companys. Students not knowing what they installed and believed their teacher is what lead Zoom to be popular today.

All this would have been avoided if the government actually did something other than give away money to schools.

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thats actually fucking awful :(

by MAJOR_WEEB; ; Report

oh my god, I remember that scandal.

plus- have you heard of those anti-cheat systems (which schools used for exams to stop kids looking up the answers online) that are kernel-level spyware? they literally lock down the whole computer and have extremely invasive functions that make no sense in a school setting. yikes!

by cybervenus; ; Report